第6届世界华人数学家大会文集 第1卷【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 林长寿等主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:高等教育出版社
- ISBN:9787040451740
- 出版时间:2016
- 标注页数:557页
- 文件大小:70MB
- 文件页数:591页
- 主题词:数学-文集-英文
第6届世界华人数学家大会文集 第1卷PDF格式电子书版下载
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Plenary Lectures3
Ricci Flow and Classification of Certain Four-manifolds&Bing-Long Chen3
Shock Reflection-Diffraction,von Neumann's Conjectures,and Nonlinear Equations of Mixed Type&Gui-Qiang Chen and Mikhail Feldman11
Parameter Estimation in Systems and Control&Han-Fu Chen25
Finite and Infinite Soliton and Kink-soliton Trains of Nonlinear Schr?dinger Equations&Stefan Le Coz and Tai-Peng Tsai43
A Langlands Program for Covering Groups?&Wee Teck Gan57
Global Solutions of the Euler-Maxwell Two-fluid System in 3D&Yan Guo,Alexandru D.Ionescu,and Benoit Pausader79
Compact Embedded Rotational Hypersurfaces with Constant Mean Curvature in a Sphere&Zhijie Huang and Haizhong Li95
A Brief Survey on High Order Numerical Methods for Convection Dominated Problems&Chi-Wang Shu119
Congruent Number Problem&Ye Tian135
Monge-Ampère Equation and Optimal Transportation&Xu-Jia Wang153
Recent Results on Rigidity of CR Morphisms Between Compact Strongly Pseudoconvex CR Manifolds&Stephen Yau and Huaiqing Zuo173
Rigidity in the Langlands Correspondence and Applications& Zhiwei Yun199
Bounded Gaps Between Primes&Yitang Zhang235
A Survey of Local Models of Shimura Varieties&Xinwen Zhu247
Invited Lectures271
Number Theory,Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic Geometry271
New Estimates on Incomplete Character Sums&Mei-Chu Chang271
Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky Hypergeometric Sheaves&Lei Fu281
Note on Affine Deligne-Lusztig Varieties&Xuhua He297
On the Local Langlands Conjecture and Related Problems over p-adic Local Fields&Dihua Jiang and Chufeng Nien309
The M?bius Disjointness Conjecture for Distal Flows&Jianya Liu and Peter Sarnak327
Survey on Automorphic Period for General Bessel Model&Yifeng Liu337
Counting Integral Points in Certain Homogeneous Spaces&Fei Xu351
On Existence and Density of the Ordinary Locus of Certain Shimura Varieties&Chia-Fu Yu361
Discrete Mathematics,Combinatorics383
Bounding Some Ramsey Functions&Yusheng Li383
Some Results and Problems About Circumferences of Graphs&Xingxing Yu393
Extremal Graph Theory for Degree Sequences&Xiao-Dong Zhang407
Algebraic Geometry,Complex Geometry427
On the Toda Systems of VHS Type&Chen-Yu Chi427
Classification of Isoparametric Hypersurfaces&Quo-Shin Chi437
New Invariants for Higher Dimensional Singularities and the Complex Plateau Problem&Rong Du,Yun Gao,and Stephen Yau453
Relative Resolution and Its Applications&Yi Hu467
Mirror Theorem,Seidel Representation,and Counting Holomorphic Disks in Toric Varieties&Hsian-Hua Tseng489
Strongly Liftable Schemes and the Kawamata-Viehweg Vanishing in Positive Characteristic&Qihong Xie505
Birational Geometry in the Study of Dynamics of Automorphisms and Brody/Mori/Lang Hyperbolicity&De-Qi Zhang519
Mumford Compactification of Siegel Variety from the Viewpoint of K?hler-Einstein Metric&Yi Zhang541
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