
- ISBN:0582382106
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:744页
- 文件大小:140MB
- 文件页数:767页
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1 Useful Concepts in Molecular Modelling1
1.1 Introduction1
1.2 Coordinate Systems2
1.3 Potential Energy Surfaces4
1.4 Molecular Graphics5
1.5 Surfaces6
1.6 Computer Hardware and Software8
1.7 Units of Length and Energy9
1.8 The Molecular Modelling Literature9
1.9 The Internet9
1.10 Mathematical Concepts10
Further Reading24
2 An Introduction to Computational Quantum Mechanics26
2.1 Introduction26
2.2 One-electron Atoms30
2.3 Polyelectronic Atoms and Molecules34
2.4 Molecular Orbital Calculations41
2.5 The Hartree-Fock Equations51
2.6 Basis Sets65
2.7 Calculating Molecular Properties Using ab initio Quantum Mechanics74
2.8 Approximate Molecular Orbital Theories86
2.9 Semi-empirical Methods86
2.10 Hückel Theory99
2.11 Performance of Semi-empirical Methods102
Appendix 2.1 Some Common Acronyms Used in Computational Quantum Chemistry104
Further Reading105
3 Advanced ab initio Methods, Density Functional Theory and Solid-state Quantum Mechanics108
3.1 Introduction108
3.2 Open-shell Systems108
3.3 Electron Correlation110
3.4 Practical Considerations When Performing ab initio Calculations117
3.5 Energy Component Analysis122
3.6 Valence Bond Theories124
3.7 Density Functional Theory126
3.8 Quantum Mechanical Methods for Studying the Solid State138
3.9 The Future Role of Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Experiment Working Together160
Appendix 3.1 Alternative Expression for a Wavefunction Satisfying Bloch’s Function161
Further Reading161
4 Empirical Force Field Models: Molecular Mechanics165
4.1 Introduction165
4.2 Some General Features of Molecular Mechanics Force Fields168
4.3 Bond Stretching170
4.4 Angle Bending173
4.5 Torsional Terms173
4.6 Improper Torsions and Out-of-plane Bending Motions176
4.7 Cross Terms: Class 1, 2 and 3 Force Fields178
4.8 Introduction to Non-bonded Interactions181
4.9 Electrostatic Interactions181
4.10 Van der Waals Interactions204
4.11 Many-body Effects in Empirical Potentials212
4.12 Effective Pair Potentials214
4.13 Hydrogen Bonding in Molecular Mechanics215
4.14 Force Field Models for the Simulation of Liquid Water216
4.15 United Atom Force Fields and Reduced Representations221
4.16 Derivatives of the Molecular Mechanics Energy Function225
4.17 Calculating Thermodynamic Properties Using a Force Field226
4.18 Force Field Parametrisation228
4.19 Transferability of Force Field Parameters231
4.20 The Treatment of Delocalised π Systems233
4.21 Force Fields for Inorganic Molecules234
4.22 Force Fields for Solid-state Systems236
4.23 Empirical Potentials for Metals and Semiconductors240
Appendix 4.1 The Interaction Between Two Drude Molecules246
Further Reading247
5 Energy Minimisation and Related Methods for Exploring the Energy Surface253
5.1 Introduction253
5.2 Non-derivative Minimisation Methods258
5.3 Introduction to Derivative Minimisation Methods261
5.4 First-order Minimisation Methods262
5.5 Second Derivative Methods: The Newton-Raphson Method267
5.6 Quasi-Newton Methods268
5.7 Which Minimisation Method Should I Use?270
5.8 Applications of Energy Minimisation273
5.9 Determination of Transition Structures and Reaction Pathways279
5.10 Solid-state Systems: Lattice Statics and Lattice Dynamics295
Further Reading300
6 Computer Simulation Methods303
6.1 Introduction303
6.2 Calculation of Simple Thermodynamic Properties307
6.3 Phase Space312
6.4 Practical Aspects of Computer Simulation315
6.5 Boundaries317
6.6 Monitoring the Equilibration321
6.7 Truncating the Potential and the Minimum Image Convention324
6.8 Long-range Forces334
6.9 Analysing the Results of a Simulation and Estimating Errors343
Appendix 6.1 Basic Statistical Mechanics347
Appendix 6.2 Heat Capacity and Energy Fluctuations348
Appendix 6.3 The Real Gas Contribution to the Virial349
Appendix 6.4 Translating Particle Back into Central Box for Three Box Shapes350
Further Reading351
7 Molecular Dynamics Simulation Methods353
7.1 Introduction353
7.2 Molecular Dynamics Using Simple Models353
7.3 Molecular Dynamics with Continuous Potentials355
7.4 Setting up and Running a Molecular Dynamics Simulation364
7.5 Constraint Dynamics368
7.6 Time-dependent Properties374
7.7 Molecular Dynamics at Constant Temperature and Pressure382
7.8 Incorporating Solvent Effects into Molecular Dynamics: Potentials of Mean Force and Stochastic Dynamics387
7.9 Conformational Changes from Molecular Dynamics Simulations392
7.10 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Chain Amphiphiles394
Appendix 7.1 Energy Conservation in Molecular Dynamics405
Further Reading406
8 Monte Carlo Simulation Methods410
8.1 Introduction410
8.2 Calculating Properties by Integration412
8.3 Some Theoretical Background to the Metropolis Method414
8.4 Implementation of the Metropolis Monte Carlo Method417
8.5 Monte Carlo Simulation of Molecules420
8.6 Models Used in Monte Carlo Simulations of Polymers423
8.7 ’Biased’ Monte Carlo Methods432
8.8 Tackling the Problem of Quasi-ergodiciry: J-walking and Multicanonical Monte Carlo433
8.9 Monte Carlo Sampling from Different Ensembles438
8.10 Calculating the Chemical Potential442
8.11 The Configurational Bias Monte Carlo Method443
8.12 Simulating Phase Equilibria by the Gibbs Ensemble Monte Carlo Method450
8.13 Monte Carlo or Molecular Dynamics?452
Appendix 8.1 The Marsaglia Random Number Generator453
Further Reading454
9 Conformational Analysis457
9.1 Introduction457
9.2 Systematic Methods for Exploring Conformational Space458
9.3 Model-building Approaches464
9.4 Random Search Methods465
9.5 Distance Geometry467
9.6 Exploring Conformational Space Using Simulation Methods475
9.7 Which Conformational Search Method Should I Use? A Comparison of Different Approaches476
9.8 Variations on the Standard Methods477
9.9 Finding the Global Energy Minimum: Evolutionary Algorithms and Simulated Annealing479
9.10 Solving Protein Structures Using Restrained Molecular Dynamics and Simulated Annealing483
9.11 Structural Databases489
9.12 Molecular Fitting490
9.13 Clustering Algorithms and Pattern Recognition Techniques491
9.14 Reducing the Dimensionality of a Data Set497
9.15 Covering Conformational Space: Poling499
9.16 A ’Classic’ Optimisation Problem: Predicting Crystal Structures501
Further Reading505
10 Protein Structure Prediction, Sequence Analysis and Protein Folding509
10.1 Introduction509
10.2 Some Basic Principles of Protein Structure513
10.3 First-principles Methods for Predicting Protein Structure517
10.4 Introduction to Comparative Modelling522
10.5 Sequence Alignment522
10.6 Constructing and Evaluating a Comparative Model539
10.7 Predicting Protein Structures by ’Threading’545
10.8 A Comparison of Protein Structure Prediction Methods: CASP547
10.9 Protein Folding and Unfolding549
Appendix 10.1 Some Common Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in Bioinformatics553
Appendix 10.2 Some of the Most Common Sequence and Structural Databases Used in Bioinformatics555
Appendix 10.3 Mutation Probability Matrix for 1 PAM556
Appendix 10.4 Mutation Probability Matrix for 250 PAM557
Further Reading557
11 Four Challenges in Molecular Modelling: Free Energies, Solvation, Reactions and Solid-state Defects563
11.1 Free Energy Calculations563
11.2 The Calculation of Free Energy Differences564
11.3 Applications of Methods for Calculating Free Energy Differences569
11.4 The Calculation of Enthalpy and Entropy Differences574
11.5 Partitioning the Free Energy574
11.6 Potential Pitfalls with Free Energy Calculations577
11.7 Potentials of Mean Force580
11.8 Approximate/’Rapid’ Free Energy Methods585
11.9 Continuum Representations of the Solvent592
11.10 The Electrostatic Contribution to the Free Energy of Solvation:The Born and Onsager Models593
11.11 Non-electrostatic Contributions to the Solvation Free Energy608
11.12 Very Simple Solvation Models609
11.13 Modelling Chemical Reactions610
11.14 Modelling Solid-state Defects622
Appendix 11.1 Calculating Free Energy Differences Using Thermodynamic Integration630
Appendix 11.2 Using the Slow Growth Method for Calculating Free Energy Differences631
Appendix 11.3 Expansion of Zwanzig Expression for the Free Energy Difference for the Linear Response Method631
Further Reading632
12 The Use of Molecular Modelling and Chemoinformatics to Discover and Design New Molecules640
12.1 Molecular Modelling in Drug Discovery640
12.2 Computer Representations of Molecules, Chemical Databases and 2D Substructure Searching642
12.3 3D Database Searching647
12.4 Deriving and Using Three-dimensional Pharmacophores648
12.5 Sources of Data for 3D Databases659
12.6 Molecular Docking661
12.7 Applications of 3D Database Searching and Docking667
12.8 Molecular Similarity and Similarity Searching668
12.9 Molecular Descriptors668
12.10 Selecting ’Diverse’ Sets of Compounds680
12.11 Structure-based De Novo Ligand Design687
12.12 Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships695
12.13 Partial Least Squares706
12.14 Combinatorial Libraries711
Further Reading719
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