Handbook of Electronic Control Circuits【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- John Markus 著
- 出版社: Inc.
- 出版时间:1959
- 标注页数:347页
- 文件大小:161MB
- 文件页数:358页
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Balanced-Capacitance Antenna Alarm Protects Barbed-Wire Fence1
Comparator Circuit for Magnetic-Tape Printer Sounds Alarm If Copy Deviates from Master2
Failure of Picture or Sound Carrier Trips TV Transmitter Alarm3
Conelrad Alarm Is Triggered by Loss of Receiver AVC Voltage4
Crystal Transducers in Acoustic Chamber Detect Breaks in Moving Film6
Electronic Highway Scale Trips Alarm If Moving Truck Is Overweight7
Transistorized Crevasse Detector Uses A-F Transmitters and Receivers8
Speech Rejector Differentiates between Damped Speech and Undamped Music10
Biased-Diode Squelch Circuit Mutes Magnetic-Tape Print-Through12
Speech-Music Discriminator Silences Radio Loudspeaker During Commercials13
Automatic Speech Amplitude Control Provides Differentiation and Clipping14
Automatic Fine Tuning Circuit Controls TV Sound-to-Picture Ratio15
Heartbeats Are Made Audible by Frequency-Modulating 1,000-CPS Oscillator18
Burst-Modulated A-F Transmitter Controls Tuned-Reed Induction Paging Receivers18
Ferrite Disk on Engine Shaft Generates Input for Cathode-Ray Rotation Analyzer20
Four-Thyratron Sawtooth Pulser Produces True Voltage-Current Curves on Scope21
Electronic Shutter for TV Kinescope Recorder Passes Exactly 525 Lines22
Isoecho Contour in Weather Radar Shows Center of Thunderstorm23
Signal-Triggered Sweep Magnifies Pulse Widths on Scope24
Synchronizer Feeds Transients to 12 Cathode-Ray Tubes Having Different Base Lines26
Beam-Direction Marker Circuit for Scope Gives Comet-Shaped Trace28
Magnetically Deflected Oscilloscope Uses 21-Inch Television Picture Tube28
Transistorized Gate,Flip-Flop,Counter and Shaper Circuits for Digital Computers31
Read and Write Amplifier for Digital Data in Tape Systems32
Dual Chopper-Stabilized Operational Amplifier for Analog Computers35
Simple Operational D-C Amplifier Is Basis of Desk-Size Differential Analyzer35
Analog-Digital Converter Generates Pulse Frequency Proportional to D-C Input Voltage36
Direct-Coupled,Emitter-Coupled and Resistance-Coupled High-Speed Flip-Flops38
Transistorized Trigonometric Function Generator Provides Cosine of Input Voltage39
Precision Digital Delay Generator for Radar and Sonar Calibration and Target Simulation40
Sine-Cosine Approximator for Radar Computer Uses Diode Function Generator43
Nine-Bit Word Generator Checks Digital Computers at Pulse Rates up to 1 MC44
Probability Computer Produces Output Pulse When Noise Exceeds Reference Threshold44
Digital Computer Clock Circuits Use Germanium Transistors Either at Saturation or Cutoff45
Triangular-Wave Generator and D-C Operational Amplifier Serve in Analog Multiplier47
Transistor Matrix Gives Simultaneous Binary Addition and Multiplication49
Combined D-C Amplifier and Chopper Amplifier Give High Zero Stability51
Zero-Crossing Detector Aids Analysis of Brain Waveforms51
Transistorized Analog-Digital Converter Uses Feedback Subtraction53
Transistorized Decade Counter Uses Cascaded Bistable Multivibrators57
Batching Counter Actuates Solenoid at Predetermined Count and Resets Automatically57
Unijunction Trahsistors Simplify Design of Bistable Stages for Ring Counter59
Reversible Binary Counter Determines Variations in PCM Pulse Intervals60
Coincidence Detector Counts' Missing Pulses in Radar Magnetron Output62
Automatic Bacteria Colony Counter Uses Anticoincidence Circuits64
Loudspeaker Serves as Microphone for Simple Shot and Blast Counter67
Predetermined Counter and Gate Fire Flashlamps in Missile Test Lab67
Four-Decade Decimal Counter Uses Beam-Switching Tubes69
Ring-of-10 Counter Having Four ON Stages Requires Only Three Feedback Resistors Per Stage72
Binary-Decimal Counter Uses Logical AND Gates in Feedback Loop74
Feedback Increases Input Impedance of Transistor D-C Amplifier76
D-C Amplifier for Voltmeters and Analog Computers Has Infinite Input Impedance and Infinite Voltage Range76
Wide-Band Differential Amplifier for Null Detection78
Silicon-Diode Electronic Chopper Stabilizes All-Triode D-C Amplifier79
Low-Drift Transistorized Differential D-C Amplifier Uses Silicon Temperature-Compensating Resistor81
Juifction-Transistor D-C Amplifier for Transistor Voltmeter82
Differential Input Stage Improves Feedback Stabilization of D-C Amplifier83
Vibrating-Capacitor Modulator Changes D-C Output of Differential Analyzer to A-C84
Electronically Controlled Chopper Boosts Sensitivity of Infrared Detector84
Twin-Triode Electronic Chopper Handles High D-C Input Voltages86
Feedback Through Pentode Holds Cathode Follower at Unity Gain86
Simple Differential D-C Amplifier for Control Systems Amplifies Difference Between Two Signals87
Size Control Circuit for Automatic Cylinder Hone88
Level-Deviation Detector Locates Flaws in Magnetic Tape88
Recorded Tone Bursts Permit Dialing of 45 Taped Spot Announcements89
Automatic Stop Circuit for Tape Recorder91
Electrode Dri e-Motor Servo for Spark Machining91
Auto Transmission Gear Contour Gage Controls Automatic Hobber and Gear Sorter93
Four-Transistor Inverter Drives Two-Phase Drag-Cup Servo Motor95
Muscle Potentials of Patients Control Respiration Rate of Iron Lung96
Tracer Control Circuit Maintains Constant Cutting Velocity for Milling Machine96
Three-Feed Control System for Metal-Cutting Band-Saw97
Carbon Dioxide Analyzer in Feedback Loop Controls Valve Motor98
Eight Audio Tones Recorded on Magnetic Tape Control Overhead Crane99
Circuit Controls Vacuum Actuators of High-Speed Tape Transport100
Transistor Magnetic Inverter Uses Differential Multivibrator for Signal or Power Conversion102
Magnetic-Amplifier Square-Law Circuits Serve in Four-Quadrant Analog Multiplier103
Magnetic Amplifiers and Saturating Transformer Regulate D-C Power Supply104
Self-Balancing Magnetic Amplifier Drives 400-CPS Servo-Motor106
Magnetic Servo Amplifier Drives Gyro Indicator108
Magnetic Amplifiers Control Frequency and Voltage of Reflex Klystron109
Magnetic-Core Frequency Divider Controls ITV Sync-Generators110
Half-Wave Magnetic Amplifier Drives Two-Speed High-Impedance Servo-Motor112
Saturable-Core Transistor Oscillator Integrates Gas Flow Data113
Synchronously Switched Biased Diodes Increase Gain of Magnetic Amplifier114
D-C Error Voltage of Resistor-Checking Wheatstone Bridge Is Amplified to Drive Go-No-Go Meter116
Circuit Delivers Pulse Width Proportional to Time That Signal Is Between Specified Voltage Levels117
Pulsed Eddy Currents Measure Thickness of Metal Coating on Base Metal118
Phase Comparator Locates Null as Float Moves Core of Differential Transformer in Liquid Density Gage119
Magnetic Quadrupole Is Probe of Magnetometer Using Servo Loop120
Fart-Acting Nonlinear Feedback Stabilises Gain of Transistorized Pulse Amplifier121
Ergmeter Uses Bolometer Bridge to Measure Energy of Discharging Capacitor122
Automatic Range-Selecting Servo for Electronic Voltmeter123
Electronic Integrator-Amplifier Speeds Grading and Matching of Magnetic Cores125
Hot-Wire Thermal Bridge Is Voltage Standard for Expanded-Scale A-C Voltmeter125
Bootstrapped-Collector Circuit for Starved Transistor Has 500-Megrihm Input Resistance126
Differentiating Circuit Accurately Locates Zero of A-C Voltage127
Counter on Shaft of Servo-Driven Self-Balancing Potentiometer Gives Digital Presentation for VTVM127
Tuned Voltmeter Measures First Four Harmonies of Power-Line Frequency129
Meacham-Bridge Oscillator and Frequency Detector Measure Ice Coating Thickness129
Admittance-Measuring Circuit Determines Setting Time of Cement130
Linear Potentiometer and Operational Amplifier Serve as Wide-Range Tachometer131
Capacitance Pickup on Angle-of-Attack Potentiometer Boosts Accuracy134
Schering Bridge and Phase-Sensitive Voltmeters Sort Capacitors in Tolerance Ranges135
Portable Vibration Meter Uses Transistorized Integrating Amplifier and Demodulator137
Automatic Waveform Detector Uses Time-Sampling to Sort Ferrite Cores138
Thickness of Nonferrous Metals Is Gaged by Electromagnetic Absorption140
Flutter and Wow Meter Measures Variations in Tape Recorder Transport Speed141
Checking Insulation Resistance of Pressure-Sensing Potentiometers142
Second-Harmonic Flux-Gate Magnetometer Serves as Steel Tubing Hardness Tester143
Tester Checks Static and Dynamic Unbalance of Dual-Triode Sections144
Dual-Channel Doppler Radar Serves as Rate-of-Climb Meter145
Automatic Go-No-Go Comparator Makes 350 Checkout Measurements on Missile147
Proximity Control Responds to Any Metal Near Pickup Coil150
Magnetic Concentricity Gage Trips Flashtube Trigger Circuit150
Detector Traces Buried Cables Carrying 250-CPS Signal152
Tack Detector for Shoes Trips Alarm When Probe Touches Metal153
Inexpensive Metal Detector Locates Concealed Conduits,Pipes and Ducts154
Two Multivibrators and Variable Delay Line Generate Variable-Width Pulses156
A-C Tachometer Drives Multivibrator Circuits of Expanded-Scale Speed Indicator156
Multivibrator,Blocking Oscillator and Counter Circuits Simulate Radar Targets158
Fast-Switching Multivibrator-Controlled Relay Circuit159
Electronic Chopper Replaces Vibrator in Television Modulation Indicator160
Simple Sweep Generator for Oscilloscopes Has Range up to 500 KC161
Transistorized Geiger-Muller Probe Traces Radioisotopes in Oil Well163
Time Interval Analyzer Uses Modified Chronotron Circuits to Time Nuclear Particle Flights163
Transistorized Geiger Counter Has High-Voltage Generator and Ratemeter165
Cold-Cathode Count-Rate Circuits Monitor Alpha Radiation167
Eddy-Current Circuit Detects Hairline Flaws in Fine Wire167
Time-of-Arrival Indicator Blows Fuse to Stop Clock When Radioactive Fallout Arrives168
Transistorized Gamma-Radiation Monitor Uses D-C/D-C Converter169
Simple G-M Radiation.Monitor and Recorder171
Self-Quenching Superregenerative Oscillator Produces Pulses of 500-CPS Tone172
Pulse Generator Feeds Controlled-Duration Signals to Two Channels172
Pulse Modulator Generates Uniform Pulses for Widely Varying Load174
Beat-Frequency Subaudio Oscillator Requires No Output Amplifier175
Electronic Organ Uses Neon Lamps as Tone Generators and Frequency Dividers176
Closed-Loop Regulator Controls High Power Induction Heater177
Direct-Coupled Multiple-Feedback R-C Oscillator Covers 4 CPS to 350 KC178
Variable-Frequency"Oscillator Controls Firing Rate of Machine Guns179
Double-Triode and Two Diodes Generate Negative-Going Staircase180
Oscillator Provides Beeps Required when Recording Telephone Conversations181
Thyratron Delivers Predictable Half-Sine Pulse When Triggered181
Fork-Controlled Generator Provides Seven Standard Audio Frequencies Simultaneously182
Oscillator-Sharing Simplifies Circuit of Electronic Organ184
Neon Tubes Back to Back Generate Keep-Alive Pulses for Recorder185
Low-Distortion Audio Oscillator Uses Biased Diodes to Eliminate Hunting186
Transistorized Crystal-Controlled 1-MC Oscillator Is Highly Stable187
Sonar Target Simulator Produces Echo Signal for Servicing Purposes188
Variable-Gain Negative-Feedback Amplifier Stabilises Feedback Oscillator188
Frequency Meter Quickly Measures Dynamic Compliance of Phono Cartridge189
Frequency Comparator Applies Error Voltage to Repeller of Klystron Oscillator189
Camera Shutter Tester Uses Photodiode to Feed D-C Amplifier191
Multiplier Phototube on Lathe Drives Electronic Counter That Reads Microinches192
Photoelectric Function Generator Uses Oscilloscope as Light Source193
Photoelectric Illumination Gontrol Responds to Bright Sunlight195
Vidicon Camera Circuits Detect Changes in Nearly Identical Photographs195
Banks of Multiplier Phototubes Give Coordinates of Test Missile196
Photocell-Controlled Multivibrator Generates Tone Frequency Proportional to Light193
Photoelectric Counter Checks Frame Rate of Movie Camera198
Three-Phototube Pickup Checks Hue and Saturation of Color TV Tubes199
Frequency-Modulated Light Beam Completes Feedback Loop for Control System200
Stabilized Photoformer Circuit Feeds Function of Input Voltage to Analog Computer202
Overcurrent Protection Circuit for Transistor Power Supply204
Energy in Received Radio Waves Provides Operating Power for Transistor Circuits205
Junction Transistor Serves as Ripple Filter for Low-Voltage Power Supply207
Control of Instantaneous Voltage and Current in Power Transistor Boosts Efficiency207
Servo Discriminator Feeding Silicon-Diode Modulator Controls Aircraft Alternator Frequency208
Crystal-Controlled 28-Volt Bistable Voltage-Doubling Chopper Drives Synchronous Clock209
Photoflash Power Converters Use Power Transistors in Symmetrical Inverter and Blocking Oscillator Circuits210
Zener Diodes and Silicon Transistor Regulate Output of Bridge Rectifier212
Controlled-Firing-Time Thyratron Inverter Eliminates Bulky Saturable Reactors212
Solid-State Rectifiers and High-Current Regulator Tubes Eliminate Power Transformer in Regulated Power Supplies214
R-F Power Supply Replaces Vibrator Supply for Portable Infrared Viewers215
Regulated Transistor Power Supply Uses Direct-Coupled Amplifier in Feedback Loop216
Transistorized-Power and Bridge Excitation Supply for Strain-Gage System216
High-Voltage Power Supply Uses 12.5-KC Oscillator and Corona-Tube Regulator218
Variable-Frequency Power Supply for Servo Testing Uses Pentode Cathode Followers219
Triode Serves as Grid Leak Resistor in Regulated Power Supply220
Basic Amplifier,Modulator,Demodulator and Power Supply Circuits for Process Control222
Audio-Level Trigger Circuit Shuts Off Crystal Lapping Machine224
Closed-Loop Controller Provides Rate and Reset Action225
Three-Channel Decade Counter Controls Flow of Liquid Plastics226
Pressure Transmitter Controls Tuned Oscillator for Set-Point Control227
Galvanometer-Type Controller Feeds F-M Circuit Giving D-C Output227
Servo-Controlled Pump Maintains Constant Fluid Volume228
Transmitter and Receiver Circuits for Radio-Controlled Garage-Door Opener230
Single-Stage Franklin Superregenerator for Radio Remote Control230
Ultrasonic.Gong Controls Four Functions in TV Set232
Carrier-Current Control Through Power Line Tunes TV Set233
Microwave Link Controls Fog Alarm on Unattended Island Site234
Selective A-F Circuit Fires Squib or Operates Relay for Missile Control235
Ultrasonic Tones Control Tuning Motor in TV Set236
Tone-Actuated Programmer Mixes Records with Taped Announcements237
Two-Transistor Superregenerative Remote Control Receiver240
Flashlight Operates Photoelectric Remote Control for TV Set241
Servo Amplifiers Use Power Transistors to Drive A-C or D-C Motors242
Silicon Power Transistors Drive Split Control Winding or Servo-Motor242
Zener Diode in Feedback Loop Provides AGC for A-C Servo243
Servo Accelerometer Uses R-F Oscillator with Null Balance244
Servo Positioner for Component Inserter Is Programmed by Cards or Tape245
Self-Setting Servo Gate Rejects Random Interference Pulses246
Negative Feedback Provides Stability for Push-Pull Transistor Servo Amplifier247
Servo System Controlled by Radar I-F Signal Tunes Magnetron for Search or AFC248
Phase-Selective Gate Rejects Quadrature Signals in Servo Loop250
Transistorized Relay Servo Uses Step-Function Potentiometer251
Transistorized Servo Amplifier Drives Two-Speed Motor Directly251
?ur-Transistor Preamplifier Feeds Transistor-Magnetic Amplifier Servo252
Simple Infrared Analyzer Detects Leaks in Air Chamber253
Phase-Stabilized UHF Servo Amplifier Conatus Steerable Antenna256
Simple Electronic Switch Gives Transient-Free Commutating258
Zener Diode' Controls Triggering Level of Push-Pull Transistor Relay258
Ring-of-Five Neon-Lamp Oscillator Provides Sequential Switching259
Clearing,Resetting and Transfer-Storage Circuits for Beam-Switching Tubes260
D-C Voltage Comparator Actuates High-Speed Transistorized Electronic Switch262
Balanced-Input Transistorized Electronic Relay264
Two-Way Sampling Switch Using.Compensated Comparators Has High Input Impedance265
Beam-Switching Tube Switches Low-Level Capacitive Transducer Signals266
Voice-Actuated Switching Circuit Controls Microwave Party Line267
Triode Makes Relay Pull-In and Drop-Out Currents Equal268
Multichannel Electronic Switch for Oscilloscope Uses Flip-Flops in Ring268
Electronic Crowbar Shorts Power Supply of High-Power Transmitting Tube to Prevent Flash-Arc Damage270
Coincidence Diodes Gate Transistorized Six-Channel Electronic Switch272
Saturated and Nonsaturated Transistor Flip-Flops Use Single and Double Triggering274
Ultrasonic Switch Controls Diversity Receivers275
Transistorized Micromicroammeter Feeds Radiation Data to Satellite Telemeter276
Underwater Telemetering System Uses Four 60-KC Ultrasonic Links276
Pulse-Position Telemetry Demodulator Compensates for Parameter Variations278
Transistorized Telemeter Transmitter for Balloon-Borne Radiation Detection280
Transistorized PDM Keyer Improves Airborne Telemetering System281
Telemetering Equipment in Sounding Balloon Monitors Cosmic Radiation283
Encoded Shaft Position Data Is Transmitted over Telephone Line284
Telemetering Transmitter in Rocket Produces PWM F-M Signals288
Eight-Transistor Transmitter Telemeters Scalp Voltages289
Telemetering Demodulator Converts Wide-Band F-M Data to PFM Data289
Proportional Heat Control Maintains Thermal Chamber at Preset Value292
Thermopile Actuates Current-Adjusting Temperature Controller293
Servo-Balanced Bridge for Compensated Thermocouple Gives Jet Engine Temperature295
Germanium Transistor Serves as Thermostat for Cold Junction297
Extending Linearity Range of Thyratron Interval Timer298
Phantastron Circuit and Miller Integrator Used in Exposure Timer298
Millisecond Timer and Thyratrons Stop Die-Cutting Press after Cut-Through299
Doppler Radar Speed Meter Checks Highway Traffic301
Regenerative Frequency Dividers for 1-MC Crystal Source Provide 1-KC Power for Precision Clock302
Four-Thyratron Timer Triggered by Vertical Drive Pulses Exposes Camera for One TV Frame303
Double-Triggering Improves Stability of Phantastron Frequency Divider304
Current Transformer and Electronic Relay Turn on Running-Time Meter When Any Power Tool Is Used304
Ticks of Master Clock Synchronize Time Base of Cathode-Ray Watch Timer305
Astable Multivibrator Controls Pentode Gate for Pulsing Circuit306
Doppler-Effect Ultrasonic Burglar and Fire Alarm307
Battery-Operated Resonance-Type Ultrasonic Thickness Gage307
Ultrasonic Vibrator Makes Beer Foam to Drive Out Air308
Adjustable Ultrasonic Paths in Air Simulate Multipath Communications309
Ultrasonic Pulses Detect Flaws in Coating of Uranium Slug310
Two-Transistor Broadband Ultrasonic Preamplifier for Hydrophones312
Pulsed Frequency-Modulated System Analyzes Ultrasonic Signal Returns312
Piezoelectric Transducer Drives Tip of Ultrasonic Soldering Iron314
Ultrasonic Phase Meter Measures Subsurface Water Velocity314
Quartz-in-Water Delay Line Simulates Radar Moving Targets316
Two-Receiver Ultrasonic System Measures Propagation in Sea Water317
Driver for Magnetostriction Transducer of Ultrasonic Impact Grinder319
Capacitor-Discharge Spotwelder Control Handles Metal Foils321
Timer Controls Thyratrons in High-Speed Resistance Welder322
Five-Function Programming Timer Controls Electrode Welder323
Toroid Feeding A-C Electronic Voltmeter Measures Spot-Welding Current325
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