求职英语一本通 英汉对照【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 吕文澎,李红霞编著 著
- 出版社: 西安:西安交通大学出版社
- ISBN:7560518311
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:338页
- 文件大小:13MB
- 文件页数:354页
- 主题词:职业选择-英语
求职英语一本通 英汉对照PDF格式电子书版下载
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第一章 关注招聘信息,把握求职良机1
Chapter One Paying Close Attention to Recruitment Information and Holding Good Opportunity for a Job1
第一节 英语招聘信息与求职良机1
Section One English Recruitment Information and Good Opportuni-ty for a Job1
1.英语招聘广告的格式及特点(Format and feature of English recruitment ads)1
(1)英语招聘广告的大标题(Titles of English recruitment ads)2
(2)英语招聘广告的正文(Body of an English recruitment ad)3
(3)英语招聘广告的结尾(Ending of an English recruitment ad)8
2.英语招聘广告中的缩写词(Abbreviations used in English recruitment ads)11
3.英语招聘广告范例(Models of English recruitment ads)13
4.英语招聘信息的来源(Source of English recruitment informa-tion)22
(1)英语新闻媒体(English mass media)22
5.求职良机(Good opportunity for a job)24
(1)人才市场(Job fairs)24
(2)学校就业办(Employment office in a college or university)25
(3)就业中介机构(Employment agencies)25
第二节 了解用人单位26
Section Two Making a Survey of the Employers27
1.对用人单位进行书面调查(Making a survey of the employers with written materials)27
2.对用人单位进行网上调查(Making a survey of the employers on the Internet)28
Chapter Two English Writing for Job-applications33
第一节 英文求职信的结构与格式33
Section One Structure and Format of English Job-Application Let-ters33
1.英文求职信的结构(Structure of English Job-Application Let-ters)33
第二章 英文求职书信的写作33
(2)信内地址(Inside address)36
(4)信文(Body of the letter)39
(5)结尾谦称(Complimentary close)39
2.英文求职信的格式(Format of English Job-Application Letters)41
3.英文信封的格式(Format of addressing an English envelope)45
第二节 自荐信的写作及范例47
Section Two English Writing and Models for Self-Recommendation Letters66
第三节 应聘信的写作及范例66
Section Three English Writing and Models for Letters in Answering to Recruitment Ads90
第四节 个人简历的写作及范例90
Section Four English Writing and Models for Résumé90
1.篇首简介(Brief introduction)90
2.求职目标(Job objective)91
5.工作经历(Professional experience)93
6.个人资料(Personal data)93
7.外语技能(Foreign language skills)94
8.专长与成就(Specialization and accomplishments)95
第五节 统一的英文求职申请表104
Section Five Unified Job Application108
第六节 自传的写作及范例108
第七节 推荐信的写作及范例117
Section Six English Writing and Models for Autobiography117
Section Seven English Writing and Models for Reference Letter118
1.通用型推荐信(Reference letters for general use)118
2.专用型推荐信(Reference letters for special use)124
第八节 查询函的写作及范例133
Section Eight English Writing and Models for Follow-Up Letter138
第三章 网上求职导航138
Chapter Three A Guide to Seeking a Job on the Internet138
第一节 国内外主要英文求职站点138
Section One Major English Recruitment Websites in China and a-broad139
1.国内主要英文求职站点(Major English recruitment websites in China)139
2.国外主要英文求职站点(Major English recruitment websites a-broad)140
第二节 网上求职基本方法与技巧142
Section Two Basic Methods and Skills for Hunting for a Job on the Internet143
1.查询招聘信息(Searching recruitment information)143
2.发送电子求职邮件(Emailing your job-application and résumé)147
(1)电子简历的设计(Designing résumé e-mails)147
(2)登记电子简历的诀窍(Strategies for registering an e-re-sume)148
(3)如何充分使用电子简历(Methods for making full use of e-résumés)148
(4)其他(And beyond)149
3.电子求职邮件范例(Models of job-hunting e-mails)149
(1)电子求职信范例(Models of job-application e-mails)149
(2)电子简历范例(Models of e-résumés)153
4.发布求职信息(Posting your job-hunting information)159
5.参加网上招聘会或职业展览会(Exploring career fairs and brow-sing career expos on the Internet)164
(1)网上招聘会(Career fairs on the Internet)164
(2)网上职业展览会(Career expos on the Internet)165
第四章 远程面试168
Chapter Four Remote Interview168
第一节 网上面试168
Section One Interview on the Internet168
1.了解网上面试系统(Learning the interview system on the Internet)168
2.“远程面试系统”使用说明(Directions for using the“Remote In-terview System”)169
第二节 电话面试170
(1)电话面试前的准备工作(Preparations before a telephone in-terview)171
1.电话面试前的准备工作与面试策略(Preparations before a tele-phone interview and strategies used during it)171
Section Two Telephone Interviews171
(2)电话面试中的策略(Strategies used during a telephone in-terview)174
(3)结束电话面试(Ending a telephone interview)174
2.电话面试范例(Models of telephone interviews)175
(1)应征招聘广告(Responding to a recruitment ad)175
(2)经推荐人与招聘者联系(Contacting with the employer178
through a reference)178
(3)询问招聘者是否收到自己的求职信或履历表(Asking the employer if he/she has received your job-application or résumé)180
(4)询问招聘者是否需要相关专业的人才(Asking the employer if he/she needs some specialists)181
(5)在预先约定的时间内进行电话面试(Making a telephone in-terview as pre-arranged)183
(6)应对招聘者的突然来电(Answering the employer's unex-pected call)185
3.电话面试之后(After a telephone interview)188
第五章 英语求职面试189
Chapter Five Job Interviews in English189
第一节 英语求职面试成功的诀窍189
Section One Strategies for a Successful Job Interview189
1.做好面试前的准备工作(Making full preparations before an in-terview)189
(1)了解主试人提及的问题(Learning the questions to be asked)190
(2)准备自己的问题(Preparing questions of your own)193
(3)树立良好的第一印象(Making a good first impression)194
2.运用面试技巧(Applying interview strategies)195
(1)面面俱到(Paying close attention to every aspect)195
(4)检查所需材料是否齐备(Checking up the necessary materi-als)195
(2)尽量避免面试中可能出现的种种典型错误(Avoiding typical197
mistakes during an interview)197
3.现代女性求职面试策略(Strategies of job-hunting and interviews for modern women)198
第二节 英语求职面试必答200
4.面试失败的原因(Reasons for interview failure)200
Section Two Questions to Answer in a Job Interview201
1.普通问题(Common Questions)201
(2)家庭情况(Family information)206
(3)教育背景(Educational background)208
(4)外语水平(Foreign language proficiency)212
(5)其它技能(Other skills and technical qualifications)213
(6)工作经历(Work experience)216
(7)工作成就(Your merits)219
(8)生活态度(Attitude towards life)219
(9)兼职工作(Your part-time jobs)220
(10)个性与爱好(Personality and hobbies)222
(11)更换工作的原因(Reasons for changing the present job)225
(12)应聘原因(Reasons for your application)227
(13)薪水(Your remuneration)229
(14)录用后的打算(Plans after getting employment)231
(15)常识(Common sense)232
2.棘手问题(Tough questions)234
第六章 应聘会话实例250
Chapter Six Model Conversations of Job-Interviews250
1.英文秘书(English secretary)250
2.英文报纸记者(Journalist on an English newspaper)255
3.导游(Tourist guide)257
5.注册会计师(Certified public accountant)266
6.贸易业务员(Trading clerk)272
7.公关部主任(Director of public relations)277
8.建筑工程师(Architectural engineer)281
9.电话接线员(Telephone operator)286
10.银行职员(Bank staff member)289
11.司机(Car driver)292
13.饭店女招待(Restaurant waitress)298
14.电脑设计师(Computer engineer)301
1.把握结束面试的最佳时间(Seizing the best time to end an inter-view)310
Section One Ending a Job Interview310
第七章 结束面试与面试之后310
第一节 结束面试310
Chapter Eight Ending a Job Interview and Tips for Things After It310
2.您的问题(About your questions)311
4.道别(Saying good-bye)312
第二节 求职面试之后313
Section Two Tips for Things After Job Interview313
1.表示感谢(Extending thanks)313
(1)感谢信(Thank-you note)313
(2)电话致谢(Extending thanks through telephone)316
2.查询结果(Inquiring the result)317
(1)书信联系(Correspondence contact)318
(2)电话联系(Telephone contact)319
(3)继续网上查询(Continued networking)320
3.对待拒绝录用(Handling rejection)321
1.职称与职位名称(Titles and positions)322
3.院校名称(Schools,colleges and universities)334
4.院系名称(Departments of a college or university)335
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