
- 翁凤翔编著 著
- 出版社: 杭州:浙江大学出版社
- ISBN:7308037924
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:389页
- 文件大小:17MB
- 文件页数:413页
- 主题词:国际贸易
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Chapter 1 General Survey ofInternational Trade(国际贸易概要)1
1.1 What Is International Trade?(何谓国际贸易?)1
1.2 International Business and International Trade(国际商务与国际贸易)3
1.3 How Did International Trade Start?(国际贸易的起源)5
1.4 The Benefits,Structure of,and Reasons for International Trade(国际贸易的优点、结构和原因)6
1.4.1 The Benefits of International Trade(国际贸易的优点)6
1.4.2 The Structure of International Trade(国际贸易的结构)6
1.4.3 The Reasons for International trade(国际贸易的原因)7
1.5 International Trade in the Framework of the World Economy(国际贸易在世界经济框架中的地位)7
1.6 Balance of Payments(国际收支)8
1.7.1 Mercantilism(重商主义)11
1.7 International Trade Theories(国际贸易理论)11
1.7.2 Theory of Absolute Advantage(绝对优势理论)12
1.7.3 Theory of Comparative Advantages(比较优势理论)13
1.7.4 New Theories(新理论)14
1.8 International Trade and the World Trade Organization(WTO)(国际贸易与世界贸易组织)17
1.8.1 GATT and WTO(关税和贸易总协定与世界贸易组织)17
1.8.2 Differences Between GATT and WTO(关贸总协定与世界贸易组织的区别)20
1.8.3 China and WTO(中国与世界贸易组织)20
1.9 Free Trade Area and Free Trade Zone(自由贸易地区与自由贸易地带)30
1.9.1 Free Trade Area(自由贸易地区)30
1.9.2 Free Trade Zone(自由贸易地带)30
1.10 The Triad(三足鼎立)31
1.10.1 The NAFTA(北美自由贸易协定)32
1.10.2 The EU(欧盟)32
1.10.3 Japan(日本)33
1.11 International Trade Barriers(国际贸易壁垒)34
1.11.1 The Reasons for Trade Barriers(贸易壁垒的原因)34
1.11.2 Commonly-used Barriers(常用壁垒方式)34
1.11.3 Tariffs(关税)35
1.11.4 Non-tariff Barriers(非关税壁垒)35
1.12 Globalization(全球化)36
1.12.1 The Development of Globalization(全球化的发展过程)36
1.12.2 The Definition of Globalization(全球化的定义)37
1.12.3 The Causes of Globalization(全球化的原因)38
1.12.4 The Present Status of Globalization(全球化现状)39
1.13 Risks in International Trade(国际贸易中的风险)39
1.13.1 Market Risk(市场风险)39
1.13.2 Payment Risk(支付风险)40
1.13.3 Foreign Exchange Risk(外汇风险)40
1.13.4 Political Risk(政治风险)41
1.13.5 Geographic Risk(地域风险)41
1.13.6 Inflation and Interest Rate Risks(通货膨胀与利率风险)41
1.14 Foreign Investment(对外投资)42
1.14.1 Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)(对外直接投资)42
1.14.2 Portfolio Investment(PI)(组合投资)42
1.14.3 FDI in China(中国境内外国直接投资)43
1.15 Multinational Enterprises(MNEs)(跨国企业)44
1.15.2 The Reasons Why Firms Become MNEs(公司成为跨国企业的原因)47
1.15.1 Characteristics of MNEs(跨国企业的特征)47
1.16 China in the International Trade Arena(国际贸易舞台上的中国)48
1.16.1 The Development of China's International Trade(中国国际贸易的49
1.16.2 China's Trade with Other Members of APEC(中国与其他亚太经济合作组织成员的贸易)51
1.16.3 Export and Import System of China(中国的进出口体制)52
1.17 Gross Domestic Product(GDP)and Gross National Product(GNP)(国内生产总值与国民生产总值)53
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)55
Discussion Questions(思考题)56
2.1 Inspection Organizations(检验机构)59
Chapter 2 Some Organizations Related to International Trade(与国际贸易有关的机构、组织)59
2.2 Customs House(海关)60
2.3 Bank(银行)61
2.4 Freight Forwarder(货运代理)63
2.5 Ocean Shipping Company(远洋运输公司)65
2.6 Ocean Shipping Agency(远洋运输代理公司)66
2.7 Factoring Firm(保理行)67
2.8 Maritime Court(海事法院) ·67
2.9 Customs Clearing Agency(清关代理)68
2.10 Stevedoring Company(装卸公司)68
Discussion Questions(思考题)69
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)69
2.12 Container Company(集装箱公司)69
2.11 Tally Company(理货公司)69
Chapter 3 Export of Goods(Ⅰ)(货物出口之一)71
3.1 The Reasons for Exporting(出口的原因)71
3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Exporting(出口的利弊)72
3.2.1 Advantages of Exporting(出口之利)72
3.2.2 Disadvantages of Exporting(出口之弊)72
3.2.3 Common Exporting Mistakes(出口过程中的常见错误)73
3.3 Market Research for Exporting(出口市场调查)73
3.3.1 How to Gather a Foreign Market(怎样预测国外市场)74
3.3.3 Market Suitability(市场适应性)76
3.3.2 Methods of Carrying Out a Market Research(市场调查方法)76
3.3.4 Product Fit(产品适应)77
3.4 Exporting Processes(出口过程)78
3.4.1 Inquiry(询盘)78
3.4.2 Offer(报盘)80
3.4.3 Counter-offer(还盘)83
3.4.4 Acceptance(受盘)84
3.5 Negotiation(谈判)87
3.5.1 What Is Negotiation?(何谓谈判?)87
3.5.2 Stages of Negotiation(谈判步骤)88
3.5.3 Tactics of Negotiation(谈判技巧)93
3.6 Signing a Contract(签订合同)96
3.6.1 What Is a Contract?(何谓合同?)96
3.6.2 Differences between International and Domestic Trade Contracts(国际贸易合同与国内贸易合同差异)97
3.6.3 Types of Contracts(合同种类)98
3.6.4 Contents of a Contract(合同内容)99
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)102
Discussion Questions(思考题)105
Chapter 4 Export of Goods(Ⅱ)(货物出口之二)107
4.1 1 D,2 Qs,and 3 Ps(送货,货物的质量与数量,价格、包装与付款)107
4.2 Quality(质量)107
4.2.1 Brief Introduction(简介)107
4.2.2 The International Standardization of Organization(ISO)(国际标准组织)108
4.2.3 Ways to Specify Quality(质量检测方法)109
4.3 Quantity(数量)111
4.2.4 Quality Tolerance(质量公差)111
4.3.1 Weights and Measures System in International Trade(国际贸易度量112
4.3.2 The International System of Units(SI)(国际度量衡单位制)115
4.3.3 How to Calculate the Quantity of Commodity(怎样计算商品数量)118
4.3.4 'More or Less Clause'about Quantity(溢短装条款)119
4.4 Preparing Goods(备货)119
4.5 Packaging(包装)120
4.5.1 Considerations when Packaging(包装注意事项)121
4.5.2 Functions of Packaging(包装的作用)121
4.5.3 Factors Influencing the Nature of Packaging(影响包装的因素)122
4.5.4 Types of Packaging(包装种类)124
4.5.5 Marking of Cargo(货物标志)125
4.5.6 Neutral Packing(中性包装)134
4.5.7 Packing List(装箱单)134
4.6 Commodity Inspection(商品检验)135
4.6.1 General View(概述)135
4.6.2 Reasons for Commodity Inspection(商品检验的原因)138
4.6.3 When and Where to Inspect(检验时间与地点)138
4.6.4 Inspection Certificate(检验证)139
4.7 Customs Control(海关控制)140
4.7.1 General View(概述)140
4.7.2 Clearing Customs(清关)142
4.7.3 Required Documents(必备单证)143
4.7.4 The Role of Customs Broker(海关经纪人的作用)144
4.7.5 The Role of Tariffs(关税的作用)145
4.7.6 The Elements of the Clearance Process(清关过程中的要素)147
4.7.7 Value Added Tax(VAT)(增值税)149
4.8 Cargo Insurance(货物保险)149
4.8.1 The Nature of Insurance(保险的性质)149
4.8.2 The Principles of Insurance(保险的原则)150
4.8.3 Scope of Insurance Cover for the Goods(货物保险范围)154
4.8.4 Perils Involved in Cargo Insurance at Sea(海上货物保险风险)154
4.8.5 Losses(损失)155
4.8.6 Ocean Cargo Insurance Clauses(海运货物保险条款)156
4.8.7 Cargo Insurance Claims(货物保险索赔)159
4.8.8 Salvage(救助)161
4.8.9 The Marine Insurance Market(海运保险市场)162
4.8.10 Cargo Insurance Transaction Practice(货物保险办理程序)163
4.8.11 Overland,Air Transportation Cargo Insurance and Parcel Post Insurance(陆运与空运货物保险及邮包保险)164
4.8.12 Export Credit Insurance(出口信用保险)165
4.8.13 Products Liability Insurance(产品责任保险)167
4.9 Delivery of Goods(交运货物)167
4.9.1 Time of Shipment and Time of Delivery(装船时间与交货时间)167
4.9.2 Partial Shipments and Transshipment(分批装运与转船)168
4.9.3 Port of Shipment and Port of Destination(装运港与目的港)168
4.10 Transport Modes of Goods(货物运输方式)169
4.10.1 The Role and Essentials of a Transport System(运输系统的作用与要素)169
4.9.4 Optional Port(选择港)169
4.10.2 International Air Transport(国际空运)170
4.10.3 International Road Transport(国际公路运输)172
4.10.4 International Rail Transport(国际铁路运输)173
4.10.5 Inland Waterway Transport(内河运输)173
4.10.6 Pipeline Transport(管道运输)174
4.10.7 Container Transport(集装箱运输)174
4.10.8 Sea Transport(海运)179
4.10.9 Multi-modalism(多式联运)182
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)184
Discussion Questions(思考题)186
5.1 Disputes(争议)190
Chapter 5 Export of Goods(Ⅲ)(货物出口之三)190
5.1.1 Choice of Laws(选择适用法律)191
5.1.2 The Conflict of Laws(法律碰撞)191
5.1.3 Where Cases Are to Be Heard(审案地选择)192
5.1.4 Immunity from Jurisdiction(司法豁免)193
5.2 Arbitration(仲裁)193
5.2.1 The Nature of Arbitration(仲裁的性质)193
5.2.2 Arbitration versus Litigation(仲裁对诉讼)195
5.2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Arbitration(仲裁的利弊)195
5.2.4 Arbitration in China(中国仲裁制度)197
5.2.5 Arbitration Bodies(仲裁机构)203
5.2.6 The Arbitration Agreement(仲裁协议)205
5.2.7 The Arbitration Procedures(仲裁程序)206
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)210
Discussion Questions(思考题)211
Chapter 6 Services in International Trade(国际贸易服务)214
6.1 Nature of Services(服务性质)215
6.2 The Extent of International Trade in Services(国际贸易服务范围)217
6.2.1 Tourism and Transportation(旅游与运输)217
6.2.2 Performance of Services(服务运作)217
6.2.3 Use of Assets(资产利用)218
6.2.4 Education and Training Services(教育与培训服务)218
6.2.5 Information Services(信息服务)219
6.3 Exporting of Services(服务出口)219
6.4 Marketing Services Abroad(服务海外营销)220
6.4.1 Benefits and Challenges of Exporting Services(服务出口的优势及挑战)221
6.4.2 General Profile of a Service Exporter/Firm(出口服务公司概述)222
6.5 International Financial Services(国际金融服务)222
6.6 Services and Goods(服务与货物)223
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)224
Discussion Questions(思考题)224
Chapter 7 Import(进口)226
7.1 Why Import?(为何进口?)226
7.2 The Make or Import Decision(生产或进口的选择)227
7.3 Free Trade versus Protection-Import Restriction(自由贸易对贸易保护——进口限制)228
7.4 What Should the Importer Do?(进口商须做之事)230
7.5 Import Negotiation Procedures(进口谈判程序)231
7.6 China Import Procedures(中国进口程序)231
7.6.1 The Establishment of an Effective Import Contract(订立有效进口合同)231
7.6.2 Opening a Letter of Credit(L/C)and Amending the L/C(开立及修改信用证)232
7.6.3 Booking Space and Arranging Shipment(订舱位与安排装运)232
7.6.4 Insurance(保险)232
7.6.5 Checking Documents and Making Payment(验证与支付)232
7.6.6 Customs Declaration and Receiving Shipment(报关与收货)233
7.6.7 Checking and Receiving Goods,and Goods Delivery(验货、收货与交货)233
7.6.8 Claiming and Indemnity(索赔与赔偿)233
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)233
Discussion Questions(思考题)234
Chapter 8 International Trade Laws,Rules and Regulations(国际贸易法律与规章)235
8.1 China's Foreign Trade Laws and Regulations(中国对外贸易法律与规章)235
8.1.1 Foreign Trade Law(对外贸易法)236
8.1.2 Laws and Regulations on Managing Foreign Trade Dealers(外商管理法与规章)236
8.1.3 Laws and Regulations Governing Management of Import and Export Commodities(进出口商品管理法与规章)236
8.1.4 Laws and Regulations on Import and Export Commodity Inspection,Animal and Plant Quarantine and Hygienic Quarantine(进出口商品检验及动植物卫生检疫法与规章)237
8.2 Laws and Regulations Governing Foreign Exchange Control(外汇控制管理法与规章)238
8.3 Customs Laws and Regulations and Tariff Laws and Regulations(海关法与规章及关税法与规章)238
8.4 Civil and Commercial Laws Involving Foreign Interests(外商利益民、商法)239
8.5 China's Abolishing of Regulations to Meet WTO Requirements(中国废弃旧规章以符合世界贸易组织要求)239
8.6 International Rules and Regulations(国际规章)240
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)241
Discussion Questions(思考题)241
Chapter 9 ICC Incoterms 2000(《国际商会2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》)243
9.1 General View(概要)243
9.2 The Changes in Incoterms 2000(《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》)中的变化244
9.3 Incorporation of Incoterms into the Contract of Sale(《国际贸易术语解释通则》)用于销售合同)245
9.4 Terminology(术语)245
9.4.1 Shipper(托运人)245
9.4.2 Delivery(交货)246
9.4.3 Usual(通常)246
9.4.4 Charges(费用)246
9.5 The Thirteen Terms(13个贸易术语)247
9.4.7 Checking and Inspection(查对与检验)247
9.4.5 Ports,Places,Points and Premises(港口、地点、点及所在地)247
9.4.6 Ship and Vessel(船只)247
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)252
Discussion Questions(思考题)253
Chapter 10 International Payments(国际支付)256
10.1 The Significance of International Payments(国际支付的意义)256
10.2 Risks in International Payments(国际支付的风险)257
10.3 Terms of Payment(支付术语)258
10.4 Currency Matters in Relation to International Trade(国际贸易货币问题)258
10.4.2 Appreciation and Depreciation(升值与贬值)259
10.4.1 Hard Currency and Soft Currency(硬通货与软通货)259
10.4.3 Foreign Exchange,Foreign Exchange Rate,and Foreign Exchange Market(外汇、外汇汇率及外汇市场)260
10.4.4 US Dollar,British Pound,the Euro,and RMB(美元、英镑、欧元及人民币)261
10.5 Some Organizations with Regard to International Payments(与国际支付有关的一些组织机构)266
10.5.1 The International Monetary Fund(IMF)(国际货币基金组织)266
10.5.2 The Wodd Bank Group(世界银行集团)267
10.5.3 The International Chamber of Commerce(ICC)(国际商会)269
10.5.4 Society for Woddwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication(SWIFT)(环球银行间财务电讯协会)269
10.6 The Importance of a Contract in International Payments(合同在国际支付中的重要性)270
10.7 The ICC Banking Commission and ICC Publications(国际商会银行委员会及国际商会出版物)270
10.8 Letter of Credit(信用证)271
10.8.1 Types of Letters of Credit(信用证种类)272
10.8.2 The Operation Processes of a Letter of Credit(信用证运作程序)274
10.8.3 Contents of a Letter of Credit(信用证内容)279
10.8.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Letter of Credit(信用证的利弊)280
10.9 Bill of Exchange(B/E)(汇票)282
10.9.1 Definition of a Bill of Exchange(汇票定义)283
10.9.2 Advantages of a Bill of Exchange(汇票之利)283
10.9.3 When the Bill of Exchange Is Missing(汇票遗失处理)284
10.9.4 Contents of a Bill of Exchange(汇票内容)284
10.9.5 Parties to a Bill of Exchange(汇票当事方)284
10.9.6 Types of Bills of Exchange(汇票种类)286
10.9.7 Operations of a Bill of Exchange(汇票操作)288
10.10 Promissory Note(本票)294
10.10.2 Types of Promissory Notes(本票种类)295
10.10.1 Contents of a Promissory Note(本票内容)295
10.10.3 Differences between a Promissory Note and a Bill of Exchange(本票与汇票的区别)296
10.11 Cheques(支票)297
10.11.1 Definition and Contents of a Cheque(支票的定义与内容)297
10.11.2 Parties to a Cheque(支票当事方)298
10.11.3 Types of Cheques(支票种类)298
10.11.4 Dishonour of Cheques(支票拒付)299
10.12 Collection(托收)299
10.12.1 Parties Involved in Collection(托收当事方)300
10.12.2 Clean Collection and Documentary Collection(光票托收与跟单托收)301
10.13 Open Account(赊账交易)304
10.14 Cash with Order(CWO)(订货付现)305
10.15 Factoring(国际保理)306
10.16 Forfaiting(福费廷)308
10.17 Letter of Guarantee(L/G)(银行保函)310
10.18 Remittance(汇付)312
10.18.1 Mail Transfer(MT)(信汇)312
10.18.2 Telegraphic Transfer(TT)(电汇)312
10.18.3 Remittance by Bankers'Demand Draft(D/D)(票汇)313
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)314
Discussion Questions(思考题)317
11.1.1 Advantages of Countertrade(对等贸易之利)321
Chapter 11 Other Modes and Respects ofInternational Trade(国际贸易其他方式与方面)321
11.1 Countertrade(对等贸易)321
11.1.2 Disadvantages of Countertrade(对等贸易之弊)322
11.1.3 Countertrade as a Marketing Tool(对等贸易作为营销工具)322
11.1.4 Issues about Countertrade(对等贸易问题)323
11.2 Barter(易货贸易)323
11.3 Offset Trade(抵消贸易)324
11.3.1 Direct Offset(直接抵消贸易)324
11.3.2 Indirect Offset(间接抵消贸易)324
11.4 Compensation Dealing(补偿贸易)324
11.6 Technology Transfer(技术转让)325
11.7 Trading on Consignment Terms(寄售条件交易)325
11.5 Counter Purchasing(互购贸易)325
11.8 Franchising(专营)326
11.8.1 Nature of Franchising(专营的性质)326
11.8.2 Types of Franchising(专营的种类)327
11.8.3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Direct International Franchising(国际直接专营的利弊)328
11.8.4 Differences between Franchising and Licensing(专营与特许的异同)329
11.9 Licensing(特许)330
11.9.1 Types of Licensing(特许的种类)330
11.9.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Licensing(特许的利弊)331
11.10 Joint Ventures(合资经营)332
11.10.1 Advantages of Joint Ventures(合资经营的优点)332
11.10.3 Traditional International Joint Ventures and New International Strategic Alliance(传统国际合资企业及新国际企业联盟)333
11.10.2 Disadvantages of Joint Ventures(合资经营的弊端)333
11.11 Wholly Owned Subsidiaries(独资企业)334
11.11.1 Advantages of Wholly Owned Subsidiaries(独资企业之利)334
11.11.2 Disadvantages of Wholly Owned Subsidiaries(独资企业之弊)335
11.12 Turnkey Project(交钥项目)335
11.12.1 Advantages of Turnkey Projects(交钥项目之利)336
11.12.2 Disadvantages of Turnkey Projects(交钥项目之弊)336
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)337
Discussion Questions(思考题)338
Chapter 12 Documentation of Export(出口单证)340
12.1 Bill of Lading(B/L)(提单)341
12.1.1 Functions of a Bill of Lading(提单功能)341
12.1.2 Types of Bills of Lading(提单种类)342
12.1.3 Contents of a Bill of Lading(提单内容)345
12.2 Air Waybill(空运单)345
12.3 Packing List(装箱单)347
12.4 Commercial Invoice(商业发票)348
12.5 Pro Forma Invoice(形式发票)350
12.6 Insurance Policy(保险单)350
12.7 Bill of Exchange(B/E)(汇票)351
12.8 Certificate of Origin(原产地证书)351
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)351
Discussion Questions(思考题)351
Chapter 13 Electronic-commerce and International Trade(电子商务与国际贸易)353
13.1 What Is Electronic-commerce(E-commerce,EC)?(何谓电子商务?)353
13.1.1 Definition of EC(电子商务的定义)353
13.1.2 Significance of EC(电子商务的重要意义)354
13.1.3 E-commerce,E-business(EB),and E-marketing(EM)(电子商务、电子业务以及电子营销)355
13.2 A Brief History of EC(电子商务历史概述)356
13.3 Classification of EC Field by Nature of Transactions(电子商务交易性质分类)357
13.4 EC Applications(电子商务应用)357
13.4.1 Buy-side Applications(买方应用)358
13.5.1 Advantages of EC for the Sellers(电子商务对卖方的好处)359
13.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of EC(电子商务的利弊)359
13.5.2 Advantages of EC for the Buyers(电子商务对买方的好处)359
13.4.3 In-side Applications(内部应用)359
13.4.2 Sell-side Applications(卖方应用)359
13.5.3 Disadvantages of EC for the Sellers(电子商务对卖方的不利之处)360
13.5.4 Disadvantages of EC for the Buyers(电子商务对买方的不利之处)360
13.6 The Internet,the Intranet,the Extranet,and the World Wide Web(互联网、内联网、外联网及万维网)360
13.6.1 The Internet(互联网)360
13.6.2 The Intranet(内联网)361
13.6.3 The Extranet(外联网)362
13.6.4 The World Wide Web(WWW)(万维网)363
13.7 Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)and the Internet(电子数据交换与互联网)363
13.8 Types of Inter-organizational Systems(组织内部系统种类)364
13.9.1 EDI-in Relation to Some Parties of International Trade(电子数据交换与国际贸易某些当事方)365
13.9 E-commerce in the International Trade Arena(国际贸易环境中的电子商务)365
13.9.2 Paperless Documentation(无纸单证)366
13.9.3 Business Administration(商务管理)367
13.9.4 International Logistics(国际物流)369
13.10 E-marketing(EM)(电子营销)371
13.10.1 The Objectives of EM-5 Ss(电子营销目的:5个S)371
13.10.2 E-marketing Mix-7 Ps(电子营销组合:7个P)372
13.10.3 E-tools in EM(电子营销中的电子工具)373
13.10.4 Electronic Customer Relations Management(E-CRM)(电子客户关系管理)375
13.10.5 Advertisement(广告)375
Summary of This Chapter(本章概要)378
Discussion Questions(思考题)379
Appendix Samples of Export Documentation(附录 出口单证示样)382
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