
非传统能源 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

非传统能源 英文版
  • (印)卡恩著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787302232711
  • 出版时间:2010
  • 标注页数:455页
  • 文件大小:132MB
  • 文件页数:473页
  • 主题词:能源-研究-英文


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1.Fundamentals of Energy—Science and Technology1

1.1 Energy Consumption and Standard of Living1

1.2 Oil Crisis of 19732

1.3 Clasification of Energy Resources2

1.4 Consumption Trend of Primary Energy Resources4

1.5 Importance of Non-Conventional Energy Sources5

1.6 Energy Chain5

1.7 Comon Forms of Energy6

1.8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Conventional Energy Sources7

1.9 Salient Features of Non-Conventional Energy Sources8

1.10 Environmental Aspects of Energy8

1.11 Environment-Economy-Energy and Sustainable Development13

1.12 Energy Densities(Heating values)of Various Fuels14

1.13 World Energy Status15

1.14 Energy Scenario in India19

1.15 Applied Thermodynamics—a Review27

Review Questions43


Objective-type Questions44

2.Energy Conservation47

2.1 Salient Features of"Energy Conservation Act,2001"49

2.2 Various Aspects of Energy Conservation50

2.3 Principles of Energy Conservation51

2.4 General Electrical ECO's(Energy Conservation Opportunities)53

2.5 Cogeneration54

2.6 Combined Cycle(Binary Cycle)Plants57

Review Questions60


Objective-type Questions60

3.Energy Storage62

3.1 Necesity of Energy Storage62

3.2 Energy Storage Methods63

Review Questions79

Objective-type Questions79

4.Solar Energy—Basics82

4.1 The Sun as a Source of Energy83

4.2 The Earth83

4.3 Sun,Earth Radiation Spectrums84

4.4 Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial Radiations85

4.5 Spectral Energy Distribution of Solar Radiation86

4.6 Depletion of Solar Radiation86

4.7 Measurements of Solar Radiation89

4.8 Solar Radiation Data91

4.9 Solar Time(Local Apparent Time)93

4.10 Solar Radiation Geometry93

4.11 Solar Day Length97

4.12 Empirical Equations for Estimating Solar Radiation Availability on Horizontal Surface for Cloudy Skies:99

4.13 Hourly Global,Diffuse and Beam Radiations on Horizontal Surface Under Cloudless Skies107

4.14 Solar Radiation on Inclined Plane Surface109

Review Questions112


Objective-type Questions114

5.Solar Thermal Systems116

5.1 Solar Collectors116

5.2 Solar Water Heater130

5.3 Solar Pasive Space-Heating and Cooling Systems130

5.4 Solarind Ustrial Heating Systems133

5.5 Solar Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems134

5.6 Solar Cookers137

5.7 Solar Furnaces140

5.8 Solar Green House141

5.9 Solar Dryer145

5.10 Solar Distilation(or Desalination of Water)146

5.11 Solar Thermo-Mechanical Systems148

Review Questions154

Objective-type Questions155

6.Solar Photovoltaic Systems158

6.1 Solar Cell Fundamentals159

6.2 Solar Cell Characteristics166

6.3 Solar Cell Classification172

6.4 Solar Cell,Module,Panel and Array Construction177

6.5 Maximizing the Solar PV Output and Load Matching182

6.6 Maximum Power Point Tracker(MPPT)182

6.7 Balance of System Components185

6.8 Solar PV Systems186

6.9 Solar PV Aplications188

Review Questions192


Objective-type Questions193

7.Wind Energy196

7.1 Origin of Winds198

7.2 Nature of Winds200

7.3 Wind Turbine Siting204

7.4 Major Aplications of Wind Power204

7.5 Basics of Fluid Mechanics205

7.6 Wind Turbine Aerodynamics208

7.7 Wind Turbine Types and Their Construction218

7.8 Wind Energy Conversion Systems(WECS)229

7.9 Wind-Diesel Hybrid System232

7.10 Effects of Wind Speed and Grid Condition(System Integration)233

7.11 Wind-Energy Storage234

7.12 Environmental Aspects234

7.13 Wind-Energy Programme in India236

Review Questions238


Objective-type Questions240

8.Biomass Energy242

8.1 Photosynthesis Process243

8.2 Usable Forms of Biomass,their Composition and Fuel Properties244

8.3 Biomass Resources247

8.4 Biomass Conversion Technologies249

8.5 Urban Waste to Energy Conversion253

8.6 Biomass Gasification255

8.7 Biomass Liquefaction259

8.8 Biomass to Ethanol Production259

8.9 Biogas Production from Waste Biomass263

8.10 Energy Farming277

8.11 Biomass Energy Programme in India(as on December 2007)280

Review Questions284


Objective-type Questions285

9.Geothermal Energy287

9.1 Applications288

9.2 Origin and Distribution of Geothermal Energy290

9.3 Types of Geothermal Resources292

9.4 Analysis of Geothermal Resources299

9.5 Exploration and Development of Geothermal Resources305

9.6 Environmental Consideration306

9.7 Geothermal Energy in India307

Review Questions308


Objective-type Questions309

10.Ocean Energy311

10.1 Tidal Energy311

10.2 Wave Energy321

10.3 Ocean Thermal Energy331

Review Questions336


Objective-type Questions336

11.Small Hydro Resources339

11.1 Advantages and disadvantages of Small Hydro Schemes340

11.2 Layout of a Micro-Hydro Scheme341

11.3 Water Turbines344

11.4 Turbine Clasification,Characteristics and Selection350

11.5 Generators352

11.6 Present Status357

Review Questions357


Objective-type Questions358

12.Emerging Technologies360

12.1 Fuel Cell360

12.2 Hydrogen Energy379

Review Questions389


Objective-type Questions390

13.Miscellaneous Non-conventional Technologies392

13.1 Magneto Hydrodynamic(MHD)Power Conversion392

13.2 Thermoelectric Power Conversion400

13.3 Thermionic Power Conversion404

Review Questions407


Objective-type Questions408

14.Financial and Economic Evaluation410

14.1 Basic Terms and Definitions410

14.2 Calculations for the Case of Single Payment(or Receipt)413

14.3 Calculations for Uniform Series of Payments(or Receipt)415

14.4 Calculations for Uniform Gradient Series of Payments(or Receipt)419

14.5 Calculations for Geometric Gradient Series of Payments(or Receipt)421

14.6 Effect of Inflation on Cash Flows423

14.7 Comparative Economic Evaluation of Alternatives424

14.8 Effect of Depreciation and Tax on Cash Flows433

Review Questions436


Objective-type Questions439

Appendix A441

Appendix B443

Appendix C444

Appendix D446

Appendix E448

Appendix F450

