

  • 卓美玲编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:外文出版社
  • ISBN:7119028820
  • 出版时间:2001
  • 标注页数:238页
  • 文件大小:14MB
  • 文件页数:250页
  • 主题词:


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PART 1 欧美三餐简介2

1 早餐及菜单2

2 午餐和晚餐11

PART 2 点菜与西餐礼仪18

1 点菜的技巧与服务18

2 结帐须知及实用语句24

3 西餐礼仪及注意事项27

PART 3 洋酒与菜肴的搭配34

1 名酒佳肴相得益彰34

2 洋酒简介40

PART 4 招待服务时的应对技巧55

Conversation while Serving the Guest55

1 引导来宾入席/Showing the Guest to the Table55

2 自助式早餐的入席应对/Buffet-Style Breakfast58

3 要求客人稍等一会儿/Asking a Guest to Wait60

4 必须先预约的餐厅/A Restaurant for Which Reservations Are Necessary64

5 美式早餐的服务/American-Style Breakfast68

6 点菜时的服务/Taking an A La Carte Order72

7 受理点菜·推荐食物/Taking the Order and Recommending Dishes76

8 解释菜单上的食物/Explaining the Menu82

9 向顾客推荐食物/Recommending Dishes to the Guest86

10 用餐时的服务/Service during the Meal90

11 出售香烟/Cigarette Sales93

12 推荐开胃酒/Recommending an Aperitif98

13 兜售酒类饮料/Wine Sales101

14 酒类饮料的服务/Wine Service104

15 推荐利口酒/Recommending a Liqueur107

16 标准买单付款方式/Standard Bill Payment109

17 解释税率和服务费/Explaining the Tax and Service Charges111

18 当餐券不够付餐费时/When the Food Voucher Doesn t Cover the Cost of the Meal115

19 找错钱给客人时/Giving a Guest the Wrong Change117

20 指示方向/Giving Directions119

PART 5 专门料理店的应对技巧123

Conversation in a Speciality Restaurant123

1 受理中餐的点菜/Taking the Order of Chinese Cuisine123

2 中国菜进餐时的服务/Service during the Course of the Meal126

3 询间餐厅营业时间/Restaurant Service Time130

4 解释日本料理的菜单/Explaining the Menu of Japanese Cuisine132

5 日本菜进餐时的服务/Service during the Course of the Meal135

6 甜不辣柜台的服务/Service at the Tempura Counter138

7 铁板烧餐厅的电话预约/Taking a Telephone Reservation141

8 推荐铁板烧的菜式/Recommending the Meal144

9 主厨和顾客间的对话/Conversation between the Chef and the Guest146

PART 6 用英文处理抱怨151

Dealing with Complaints151

1 对食物的抱怨及应对/Complaints about the Food151

2 对餐具的抱怨及应对/Complaints about the Tableware155

3 对服务的抱怨及应对/Complaints about the Wrong(Late) Order157

4 当饮料洒在一般客人身上时/When Drinks Are Spilt on a Guest159

5 当饮料洒在饭店客人身上时/When Drinks Are Spilt on the Hotel Guest161

PART 7 电话的应对技巧167

Using the Telephone167

1 电话订位的应答技巧/Taking a Telephone Reservation167

2 客满拒绝订位的应答/Refusing a Reservation170

3 确认订位的应答技巧/Confirming a Reservation172

4 客人有外线电话时/When There s a Telephone Call for the Guest175

5 替客人留话/Taking a Telephone Message177

6 传话给客人/Giving the Message179

7 询问餐厅的营业时间/Restaurant Service Time182

8 询问遗失物品时/When a Guest Calls about Lost Property183

9 客人想借打越洋电话时/When a Guest Wishes to Make an Overseas Call187

PART 8 客房服务部的应对技巧191

Room Service191

1 前一晚受理早餐的预约/Taking an Order the Previous Night191

2 受理早餐点菜/Taking a Breakfast Order194

3 受理午餐点菜Taking a Lunch Order198

4 太忙时推荐其他餐厅/Recommending a Restaurant When Room Service Is Busy201

5 解释最低消费客/Explaining the Minimum Charge206

6早餐预约卡难以确认时/An Illegible Reservation Card209

7没有客人要点的菜时/When a Dish that the Guest Orders Can t Be Made212

8 客人想付现金时/When a Guest Wishes to Pay in Cash214

9 客人点叫威士忌酒时/When a Guest Orders Scotch217

10 客人点叫葡萄酒时/When the Guest Orders Wine219

11 说明咖啡盘的使用方法/Explaining the Use of the Coffee Server220

12 抱怨所点的食物未送达时/Complaints about Non-Delivery of an Order224

13 抱怨送菜服务太慢时/Complaints about a Late Order226

14 食物送达而客人不在房里时/When A Guest Isn t in His Room When the Order Is Delivered228

15 递送食物/Delivery of Food231

16 服务顾客/Serving the Guest233

17 客人要香烟时/When a Guest Asks for a Cigarette235
