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  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:228页
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  • 文件页数:232页
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构建宣南文化与人文奥运的和谐之境 To bulid a harmonious enviroment of XuanNan culture and the Humanistic Olimpics&武高山1

大竞争时代的城市形象 The City's Image in Compective Age&金元浦5

汉城奥运会开幕式与韩国传统文化中的“Dae-dae”理念 The Seoul Olympic Games and Dae-Dae Cultural Grammar&Kang Shin-pyoz17

“水立方”设计过程体会谈 ‘Lessons from the Watercube design process'& John Bilmon32

奥运项目设计的文化断想(摘要) Thinking on a Culture view of the Olympic project Design&赵小钧40

莫斯科的奥运文化传播理念 Concept of Olympic Games in Moscow 2012&莫斯科奥申委42

奥林匹克运动会是全球媒体的大舞台 The Global Media Stage of the Olympic&Dean Baim47

北京2008奥运广告娱乐项目研究——文化经济与跨文化IT产业的融合 METIS Advertainment Movie for Beijing Olympics 2008:A Study of Cultural Economy and Cross-cultural Collaborative IT Innovation&XU Li CAO Sanxing Rody R.KLEIN HU Bo CHEN Jin JIN Yuanpu54

数码叙述商业化应用:新模式整合文化旅游,北京奥运和无限增值服务 Commercialisation of Digital Storytelling:An integrated approach for cultural tourism,the Beijing Olympics and Wireless VAS&吴琼莅69

商机无限 无限商机——中国人文奥运旅游纪念品市场调查与分析 Market research and analysis of China humanistic Olympic touring remembrance&董志勇90

城市形象设计与建立 City Image Designing and Constructing&Paolo Borzatta106


The bridge for mass audience participating into Olympic Games&陈四光109

北京文化旅游产品发展的战略思考 The development stratagem thoughts of Beijing cultural tourism products&徐菊凤112

文化艺术——文化奥运发展之动力 Artistic Component:an Impetus Culture exerts to the Cultural Olympiads&Sief Boon123

2008年奥运后效应对北京经济社会发展的影响 The Influence of the 2008 Olympic Games'Post-effect on Economic and Social Development in Beijing&黄亚玲128

奥林匹克运动的人文价值 Humanistic value of the Olympic Movement&孙葆丽130

中国古代传统“礼射”的现代体育文化学价值 The Value that the chinese traditonal sport"LiShe"to the culture of the modern sport research&王军137

作为城市体验的奥运会:试论主办城市的居民与赛事的关系 The Olympics as an Urban Experience:Host City Dwellers and the Games&Harry H.Hiller144

北京市社区体育发展现状及对策建议 The development and advice on the Community gym in Beijing&孔繁敏 李岩 冯霞151

文艺家们的奥运意识 Olympic Games consciousness of the writers&黎晶158

加强组织,因地制宜,推动老年人参与奥运活动 Strengthen the Organization,Adjust Measures to local conditions,Encourage seniorpeople to join the Olympic Game&姚远 陈谊162

建设国学文化社区,展现国学文化魅力——安定门国学文化社区建设项目报告总结 Constructing the China National cultural community, Showing up the charming China National cultural&陈华168

对于2008年北京奥运会,奥运教育是激发全民参与的基石 Olympic Education as a Foundation for Inspiring Citizen Participation in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games&Deanna Binder175


从一个雅典奥运会志愿者的视角看奥运经济的长足发展 On thesustainable development of the Olympics Economy from the viewpoint of187

an Athens Olympics Volunteer&George Sapounidis187

中小城市也可利用北京奥运机遇——兼论奥运积极影响最大化 Medium and small city can also use the Olympic opportunity—on the maximization of Olympic positive impact&孙挥194

北京大学生奥运志愿者服务的思考和建议 The Suggestion for the Service of Olympic Volunteers among Beijing College Student&仰东197

人文奥运与外语教育文化意识管窥 Cultural Awareness:Humanistic Olympics and Foreign Language Education&黄宗英201

人文奥运对北京建设和谐社会的影响 The impact of the Humanistic Olympic Games to the construction of harmonious society in Beijing&冯霞207

2008北京奥运会对中国旅游业的影响分析 Impact of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games to the tourism of China&赵宁211

论北京奥运会对中国饭店业素质的提升 Improving the level of the restaurants'service by Beijing 2008 Olympic Games&何波221
