
轮机维护与修理 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

轮机维护与修理 英文版
  • 程东主编 著
  • 出版社: 大连:大连海事大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787563229123
  • 出版时间:2013
  • 标注页数:302页
  • 文件大小:27MB
  • 文件页数:313页
  • 主题词:轮机-维修-双语教学-高等学校-教材-英文


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Chapter 1 Failure and Maintenance1

1.1 Failure1

1.1.1 Introduction of Failure1

1.1.2 Failure Classification2

1.1.3 Frequency of Failure4

1.1.4 Human Error in Shipping6

1.2 Maintenance7

1.2.1 Corrective Maintenance8

1.2.2 Scheduled Maintenance9

1.2.3 Predictive Maintenance10

1.2.4 Reliability11

1.2.5 Maintainability13

1.2.6 Reliability-Centered Maintenance(RCM)14

1.3 Ship's Maintenance and Survey Systems16

1.3.1 Ship Control16

1.3.2 Port State Control16

1.3.3 Classification Society18

1.3.4 Planned Maintenance Survey System(PMS)22

1.3.5 CWBT23

1.3.6 Near-Miss Activity25

Chapter 2 Tribology28

2.1 Tribology28

2.1.1 Definition of Tribology28

2.1.2 Tribological System28

2.2 Friction29

2.2.1 Structure of Surfaces30

2.2.2 Surface Texture31

2.2.3 Origins of Friction33

2.3 Wear35

2.3.1 Basic Concepts35

2.3.2 Basic Wear Process37

2.3.3 Running-in38

2.3.4 Wear Mechanisms39

2.4 Lubrication44

2.4.1 Stribeck Curve44

2.4.2 Fluid Film Lubrication45

2.4.3 Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication46

2.4.4 Boundary Lubrication47

2.4.5 Mixed Film Lubrication49

2.5 Lubricant49

2.5.1 Functions of Lubricants50

2.5.2 Important Properties of Lubricants50

2.5.3 Additives52

2.5.4 Classifications of Lubricating Oil55

2.5.5 Solid Lubricants57

2.6 Cylinder Lubrication58

2.6.1 Friction of Piston Skirt and Piston Rings Against the Cylinder Liner58

2.6.2 Cylinder Lubrication62

2.6.3 Running-in of Liners and Rings63

2.7 Sleeve Bearing Lubrication64

2.7.1 Plain Bearing's Lubrication64

2.7.2 Wear and Failure Modes in Plain Bearings64

Chapter 3 Corrosion66

3.1 Introduction66

3.1.1 Definition66

3.1.2 Classification of Corrosion66

3.1.3 Corrosion Rate67

3.2 Hot Corrosion68

3.3 Electrochemical Corrosion68

3.3.1 Electrochemical Corrosion Theory68

3.3.2 Various Types of Corrosion70

3.4 Control of Corrosion72

3.4.1 Conditioning the Metal72

3.4.2 Conditioning the Corrosive Environment72

3.4.3 Electrochemical Control73

3.5 Cavitation74

3.5.1 Cavitation of Cylinder Liners74

3.5.2 Cavitation of Propeller76

3.5.3 Cavitation in a Journal Bearing and Fuel Oil Injection System77

Chapter 4 Fatigue Failure78

4.1 Introduction78

4.2 Characteristics of Fatigue Fracture Surfaces78

4.3 Nature of the Fatigue Process79

4.4 Recognition of Fatigue Failure81

4.5 Cyclic Stresses82

4.5.1 Fatigue Loading82

4.5.2 The S-N Curve83

4.5.3 Stress Concentration Factor84

4.5.4 Notch Sensitivity Factor85

4.6 Factors Affecting Fatigue Life85

4.7 Preventing Fatigue Failure86

4.8 Thermal Fatigue87

4.9 Crankshaft Fatigue Failures88

Chapter 5 Defect Detection and Fault Diagnostics90

5.1 Defect Detection90

5.1.1 Common Testing Methods90

5.1.2 Nondestructive Testing92

5.2 Machine Condition Monitoring and Faults Diagnosis106

5.2.1 Introduction106

5.2.2 Temperature Measurement Techniques107

5.2.3 Oil Analysis108

5.2.4 Performance Trending121

5.2.5 Vibration Analysis124

Chapter 6 Repairing Technologies127

6.1 Electroplating127

6.1.1 Introduction of Electroplating127

6.1.2 Procedure of Electroplating129

6.1.3 Typical Electroplating131

6.1.4 Brush Plating135

6.2 Thermal Spray Coating136

6.2.1 Definition of Thermal Spray136

6.2.2 Process of Thermal Spray137

6.2.3 Classification of Thermal Spray Coating139

6.2.4 Applications of Thermal Spray Coating139

6.3 Welding141

6.3.1 Introduction141

6.3.2 Surfacing142

6.3.3 Welding Technologies146

6.3.4 Welding of Cast Iron148

6.3.5 Soldering and Brazing151

6.4 Metal Stitching152

6.4.1 Introduction152

6.4.2 Metal Stitching Process152

6.4.3 Locks and Pins154

6.4.4 Advantages of the Repair by Metal Stitching155

6.5 Adhesion156

6.5.1Organic Adhesives156

6.5.2 Inorganic Adhesives159

6.6 Shot Peening160

Chapter 7 Ship Repair161

7.1 Types of Ship Repair161

7.2 Drydocking162

7.2.1 Types of Dock162

7.2.2 Machinery Overhauls and Repairs During Drydocking164

7.3 Dismantling Techniques165

7.3.1 Fundamental Rules of Dismantling165

7.3.2 Hydraulic Tools166

7.3.3 Removing Seized Nuts and Bolts168

7.4 Mechanical and Chemical Cleaning170

7.4.1 Mechanical Cleaning170

7.4.2 Chemical Cleaning170

7.4.3 System Flushing172

7.5 Mooring Test and Sea Trial175

7.5.1 Mooring Test175

7.5.2 Sea Trial177

Chapter 8 Overhauling and Maintenance of Marine Diesel Engine179

8.1 Cylinder Head179

8.1.1 Inspecting and Repairing of Cylinder Head Cracking179

8.1.2 Inspecting and Repairing of Exhaust Valve181

8.2 Cylinder Liner183

8.2.1 Introducrion183

8.2.2 Excessive Worn of Liners184

8.2.3 Scored Cylinder Liners188

8.2.4 Cracked Liners189

8.2.5 Scuffing of Liners190

8.3 Piston190

8.3.1 Piston Wear190

8.3.2 Piston Crown Burning193

8.3.3 Piston Crown Crack193

8.3.4 Reconditioning of Pistons194

8.4 Piston Ring195

8.4.1 Piston Ring Materials and Coatings195

8.4.2 Wear of Piston Rings196

8.4.3 Sticking198

8.4.4 Breakage/Collapse199

8.4.5 Blow-by201

8.4.6 Low Piston Ring Tension201

8.4.7 Scavenge Port Inspection203

8.4.8 Replacement of Piston Rings205

8.5 Crankshaft207

8.5.1 Crankshaft Alignment208

8.5.2 Crankshaft Failures215

8.6 Bearing219

8.6.1 Classifications of Bearing219

8.6.2 Materials and Structure of Bearing220

8.6.3 Journal Bearing Failures,Causes and Repairing Technologies223

8.6.4 Repairing Journal Bearings226

8.6.5 Installation and Checking227

8.7 Precision Couplings230

8.7.1 Plunger and Barrel Assembly230

8.7.2 Delivery Valve and Seat231

8.7.3 Fuel Injector232

8.7.4 Repair Strategies and Storage for Precision Couplings237

8.8 Turbocharger238

8.8.1 Turbocharger Construction238

8.8.2 Corrosion of the Casing239

8.8.3 Overhauling of the Bearing240

8.8.4 Overhauling of the Blades242

8.8.5 Overhauling of the Sealing243

8.8.6 Dismantling and Alignment244

8.8.7 Dynamic Balancing of the Rotator247

8.8.8 Temporary Measures When Turbocharger Is Damaged253

Chapter 9 Ship's Shafting255

9.1 Introduction of Ship's Shafting255

9.1.1 Shafting Components255

9.1.2 Arrangement of Shafting256

9.1.3 Establishing Shaft Centerline256

9.2 Stern Tube Arrangement257

9.2.1 Stern Tube257

9.2.2 Water-Lubricated Stern Tube Bearing258

9.2.3 Oil-Lubricated Stern Tube Bearing262

9.2.4 Sealing Arrangements264

9.3 Shafts and Bearings268

9.3.1 Intermediate Shaft268

9.3.2 Intermediate Bearings269

9.3.3 Thrust Bearings269

9.4 Propeller271

9.4.1 Propeller Geometry and Terminologies271

9.4.2 Materials for Marine Propeller273

9.4.3 Propeller Types274

9.4.4 Propeller Mounting276

9.4.5 Failures of Propeller278

9.4.6 Methods of Repair280

9.4.7 Testing and Measurement283

9.5 Shaft Alignment285

9.5.1 Types of Misalignment285

9.5.2 Shaft Alignment Procedure286

9.5.3 Sag and Gap287

9.5.4 Sighting Through290

9.5.5 Slope Boring/Bearing Inclination292

9.5.6 Engine Bedplate Pre-sagging295

9.5.7 Jack-up Method295

9.5.8 Strain Gauge Method298

9.5.9 Alignment Optimization300

9.5.10 Reverse Shafting Alignment Calculation of the Bearing Offsets302
