
- (日)岩田一男著;李炳炎,符家钦编译 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
- ISBN:780004100X
- 出版时间:1989
- 标注页数:237页
- 文件大小:5MB
- 文件页数:259页
- 主题词:
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目 录1
1. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush2
2. A burnt child dreads the fire3
3.A day after the fair4
4. A drowning man will catch at a straw5
5.A faint heart never won a fairlady6
6.A friend in need is a friend indeed7
7.A rolling stone gathers no moss8
8.A stitch in time savesnine9
9.A watched pot never boils10
10.After a storm comes a calm11
11.All is fair in love andwar12
12.All is not goldthat glitters13
13.Allwork and noplaymakes Jack a dull boy14
14. An early bird catches the worm15
15. Barkingdogs seldom bite16
16.Beauty is but skin-deep17
17. Blood is thicker than water18
18.Boyswill be boys19
19.Do at Rome as the Romans do20
20.Don t count your chickens before they21
21.Experience is a good teacher22
22.Even Homer sometimes nods23
23.A good medicine tastes bitter24
24.Good things are worth waiting for25
25.Habitis second nature26
26. Half a loafis better than no bread27
27. Haste makes waste28
28.Heaven helps those who help themselves29
29. Honestyisthe best policy30
30.Hungeristhe best sauce31
31.It is an ill wind that blows nobody good32
32.It s nevertoolatetolearn33
33.It s no use crying over spilt milk34
34.It never rains but it pours35
35.Lightly come,lightly go36
36.Like attractslike37
37.Look before you leap38
38.Make hay while the sun shines39
39.Might is right40
40.Money makes the mare to go41
41. Necessity is the mother of invention42
42.Never put off till tomorrow what you43
can do today43
43.Never twice without three times44
44.No rose without a thorn45
45. Nothing venture,nothing have46
46.One cannot seethewoodforthetrees47
47.One nan s meat is another nan s poison48
48.Out of sight,out ofmind49
49.Practice makes perfect50
50.Romewas notbuiltin aday51
51. Seeing is believing52
52.Spare the rod,spoil the child53
53.Still waters run deep54
54.Strike the iron while it is hot55
55.Thereis a black sheep in every flock56
56.There is no accounting for luck57
57.Time and tide wait for no man58
58. Time is money59
59. To kill two birds with one stone60
60.To look for a needle in a haystack61
61.To say is one thing;to practice another62
62.Too many cooks spoilthe broth63
63.Two heads are better than one64
64.Walls have ears65
65.Well begun is half done66
66.What can t cured must be endured67
67.What is done cannot be undone68
68.Where there s awill there s away69
69.Whom the gods love die young70
70.You can t eat your cake and haveit71
第二章 值得牢记的谚语73
71. A cat may look at the King74
72.A new broom sweeps clean75
73.A straw shows which way the wind blows76
74. A trouble shared is a trouble halved77
75. A wonder lasts but nine days78
76.Absence makes the heart grow fonder79
77.Accidents will happen80
78.Actions speak louder than words81
79.As aman sows,so let him reap82
80.As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb83
81.Beggars cannot be choosers84
82.Between two stools one falls to the ground85
83.Call a spade a spade86
84.Charity begins at home87
85.Cross the t s and dot the i s88
86. Cut your coat according to your cloth89
87.Don t beat about the bush90
88.Don t carry coals to Newcastle91
89.Don t make a mountain out of a mole-hill92
90.Don t put the cart before the horse93
91.Don t put your finger in the pie94
92.Don t run with the hare and hunt with95
the hounds95
93.Everybody s business is nobody s business96
94.Every cloud has a silver lining97
95.Everyone to his taste98
96.Extremes meet99
97.Give a dog a bad name and hang him100
98.Good wine needs no bush101
99.Handsome is that handsome does102
100.He laughs best who laughs last103
101.He who pays the piper calls the tune104
102.Iwas not born yesterday105
103.I will not keep a dog and bark myself106
104.Ifyou don t like it,you can lump it107
105.It takes all sorts to make a world108
106.Least said,soonest mended109
107.Let bygones be bygones110
108.Let justice be done,though the heavens111
should fall111
109.Live and let live112
110.Lookon both sides of the shield113
111.Love me little,love me long114
112.Lucky in cards,unlucky in love115
113.Many a little makes a mickle116
114. Murder will out117
115.“Never”is along word118
116.Once a beggar always a beggar119
117. One gives nothing so liberally as advice120
118.One good turn deserves another121
119.Pride will have a fall122
120.Put that in your pipe andsmokeit123
121.Rats desert a sinking ship124
122.See Naples and die125
123.The apples on the other side of the wall126
are the sweetest126
124.The end justifies the means127
125.The last straw breaks the camel s back128
126.The pot calls the kettle black129
127.The same man never crossed the same130
river twice130
128. The young will sow wild oats131
129.Thereis another side to the picture132
130.There s many a slip twixt the cup133
and the lip133
131.There s no fool like an old fool134
132.Tomorrow never comes135
133.Two canplay at the game136
134.Two is company,three is none137
135.When Greek meets Greek then comes138
the tug ofwar138
136.You cannot make an omelette without139
breaking eggs139
137.You cannot make a silk purse out of140
a sow s ear140
138.You can t have everything in this life141
139.You may take your horse to the water,but you142
can t make him drink142
140.Virtue is its own reward143
141.A little learning is a dangerous thing146
142.A poet is born,not made147
143.An eye for an eye,a tooth for(a) tooth148
144.Art is long,life is short149
145.Ask,and it shall be given you150
146.Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven151
147.Birds in their little nest agree152
148.Blessed are the poor in spirit153
149.Brevity is the soul of wit154
150.Don t gild the lily155
151.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man156
healthy,wealthy and wise156
152.East is East and West is West157
153.Eat,drink,and be merry,for tomorrow158
you die158
154.England expects every man to do his duty159
155.Fools rush in where angels fear to tread160
156.Go to Jericho!161
157.God feedeth the fowls162
158 He that would govern others,first should be163
the master of himself163
159.History is bunk164
160.Home is the sailor,home from the sea165
161.How sharper than a serpent s tooth it is to166
have a thankless child!166
162.I am monarch of all I survey167
163.I awoke one morning and found myself168
164.I came,I saw,I conquered169
165.If Winter comes,can spring be far behind?170
166.Knowledge is power171
167.Last.but not least172
168. Let not thy left hand know what thy173
right hand does173
169. Life isn t all beer and skittles174
170. LiFe is real,life is earnest175
171. Love is blind176
172.Love is stronger than death177
173.Make assurance double sure178
174.M y heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow179
inthe sky179
175.Needs must when the devil drives180
176.No man is a hero to his valet181
177.No question is ever settled until it is182
setlled right182
178.One cannot serve God and Mammon183
179.One s sin will find one out184
180.Pity is akin to love185
181. Reading makes a full man186
182.Speech is silver,silence is gold187
183.The child is father of the man188
184.The die is cast189
185.The pen is mightier than the sword190
186.The voice of the people is the voice ofGod191
187.The wages of sin is death192
188.There is no place like home193
189.There s no royal road to learning194
190.There s nothing new under the sun195
191.Thy kingdom come196
192.To be or notto be:that is the question197
193.To err is human,to forgive divine198
194.To no man will we refuse justice199
195.Truth is stranger than fiction200
196.We are such stuffas dreams are made201
197 What s in a name?202
198.Whowill bell the cat?203
199.Wonders will never cease204
200.You must not make bricks without straw205
201.A broken reed208
202.A doubting Thomas209
203.A good Samaritan210
204.A stray sheep211
205.A thorn in the flesh212
206.Achilles heel213
207.Asmad as a March hare214
208.Every family has a skeleton in the215
209.Far from the madding crowd216
210.Filthy lucre217
211.Flesh and blood218
212.Full ofthe milk of human219
213.Hope against hope220
214.In the midst oflife221
215.Pay through the nose222
216.Plain living and high thinking223
217.Shuffle off this mortal coil224
218.Solomonin all his glory225
219.The green-eyed monster226
220.The realm of fancy227
221.To bury the hatchet228
222.To eat the fat of the land229
223.To fall on evil days230
224.To have other fish to fry231
225.To keep one s nose to the grindstone232
226.To see eye to eye233
227.To send a person away with a flea in his ear234
228.To speak daggers235
229.To the four winds236
230.To throw dust in one s eyes237
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