
- 云南省社会科学院东南亚研究所编 著
- 出版社: 昆明:云南人民出版社
- ISBN:7222005315
- 出版时间:1989
- 标注页数:279页
- 文件大小:12MB
- 文件页数:291页
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序 郭正秉1
云南对外开放战略刍议 辛文1
On the Yunnan s Opening Strategy to the Outside World Xin Wen1
Preface Guo Zhengbing1
发展云南与东南亚经贸关系的策略初探 金旭东13
A Research to the Scheme of Improving the Relation of the Economy and Trade Between Yunnan Province and Southeast Asia Jin Xudong13
南亚市场开发问题-----云南商品打入南亚市场的可能性探究 王士录20
On the Opening Up of South Asia Market Wang Shilu20
近代云南与中南半岛地区的经济交往 贺圣达33
On the Yunnan s Economic Contact with Indochina Peninsula in Modern History He Shengda33
回族与历史上云南对东南亚的贸易 何平49
The Huis and Yunnan s Foreign Trades with Southeast Asia in History He Ping49
清代滇南地区与越南的贸易 孙晓明65
The Trade Between Southern Region of Yunnan Province and Vietnam in Qing Dynasty Sun Xiaoming65
The Yunnan-Burma Road During the War of Resistance Against Japan Zhu Zhenming80
抗日战争时期的滇缅公路 朱振明81
A Survey of the Proposal About the Yunnan-Burma Railway Zhang Guoxiang100
滇缅铁路议案始末 张国翔100
On the Cultural Studies of Border Minorites in Yunnan Shen Xu113
论云南跨境民族文化研究 申旭113
The Impact of Chinese Culture on Ancient Thai-Dai Culture and Its Significance Xie Yuanzhang126
泰一傣古文化中的华夏影响及其意义 谢远章126
Comparison of the Culture of Yunnan and Southeast Asia in New Stone Age Chen Jianming154
云南与东南亚新石器文化的比较研究 陈建明154
On the Origin and Development of the Crossing Border Minorites in Yunnan and Souttheast Asia Liu Zhi166
云南与东南亚跨境民族的源和流 刘稚166
A Study About Origin and Customs of the Minorites in the Northeastern Region of India Zhu ChangLi186
印度东北地区民族族源和习俗研究-----与中国云南、西藏和缅甸北部一些民族的比较 朱昌利186
The Nanzhao Kingdom Wasn t Founded by the Thai People Chen Lufan208
论南诏不是泰族建立的国家 陈吕范208
Comparison Between the Hani People in Yunnan and Indochina Peninsula Huang Laijun232
云南与中南半岛哈尼族的比较研究 黄来钧232
Comparison of the Jinpo Nationality in Yunnan with the Kachin People in Burma Zhao Weiyang255
云南景颇族与缅甸克钦族的比较研究 赵维扬255
Comparison of the Social Development Level of Law a People in Thailand With That of the Wa Nationality in Yunnan Wang Wenda267
云南佤族与泰国鲁阿族社会发展水平的比较研究 王文达267
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