
- 吴宜灿 著
- 出版社: 中国原子能出版社
- ISBN:9787502278342
- 出版时间:2017
- 标注页数:802页
- 文件大小:120MB
- 文件页数:811页
- 主题词:聚变堆-设计
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上篇 聚变堆设计5
一、综 述5
Conceptual Design Activities of FDS Series Fusion Power Plants in China5
DEMO Development Strategy Based on China FPP Program14
A Fusion Neutron Source Driven Sub-Critical Nuclear Energy System:25
A Way for Early Application of Fusion Technology25
Progress in Fusion-driven Hybrid System Studies in China36
1 聚变堆概念与包层设计51
Conceptual Design of the China Fusion Power Plant FDS-Ⅱ65
Fusion-based Hydrogen Production Reactor and Its Material Selection79
Design Status and Development Strategy of China Liquid Lead-lithium Blankets and Related Material Technology90
Review of Blanket Designs for Advanced Fusion Reactors99
2 中子学与燃料循环129
Preliminary Neutronics Design of the Dual-cooled Lead Lithium Blanket for FDS-Ⅱ129
Comparison Analysis of 1D/2D/3D Neutronics Modeling for a Fusion Reactor135
Tritium Supply Assessment for ITER and Demonstration Power Plant144
3 结构与热工水力学157
Preliminary Thermal-hydraulics Design of the Dual-cooled Lead Lithium Blanket for FDS-Ⅱ164
4 安全、环境与经济性181
Identification of Safety Gaps for Fusion Demonstration Reactors192
Summary of the 1 st International Workshop on Environmental,Safety and Economic Aspects of Fusion Power220
1 混合堆概念及包层设计247
A Fusion-Driven Subcritical System Concept Based on Viable Technologies247
Conceptual Design of the Fusion-Driven Subcritical System FDS-I262
The Fusion-Driven Hybrid System and Its Material Selection273
A low Aspect Ratio Tokamak Transmutation System287
Conceptual Study on Liquid Metal Center Conductor Post in Spherical Tokamak294
Conceptual Study on High Performance Blanket in a Spherical Tokamak Fusion-Driven Transmuter300
2 中子学与燃料循环309
Neutronics Analysis and Optimization for Fusion Driven Subcritical Spent Fuel Burning System315
Neutronics Analysis of Dual-Cooled Waste Transmutation Blanket for the FDS325
Analysis on Fuel Cycle Schemes in the Dual-Cooled Waste Transmutation Blanket for the FDS-I333
Design and Analysis on Tritium System of Multi-Functional Experimental Fusion-fission Hybrid Reactor (FDS-MFX)342
3 结构与热工水力学353
Thermal-hydraulic Optimization of Water-cooled Center Conductor Post for Spherical Tokamaks Reactor353
Preliminary Analysis of Liquid PbLi MHD Flow and Pressure Drop in DWT Blanket of FDS-I364
4 安全、环境与经济性377
Preliminary Transient Thermal Analysis for Safety of the Dual-cooled WasteTransmutation Blanket for the FDS-I377
Probabilistic Safety Assessment of the Dual-cooled Waste Transmutation Blanket for the FDS-I385
Activation Analysis and Waste Management for Blanket Materials of Multi-functional Experimental Fusion-fission Hybrid Reactor(FDS-MFX)392
Conceptual Design and Testing Strategy of a Dual Functional Lead Lithium Test Blanket Module in ITER and EAST424
Overview of Liquid Metal TBM Concepts and Programs437
Design Analysis of the China Dual-Functional Lead Lithium(DFLL)Test Blanket Module in ITER451
Neutronics Analysis for the Test Blanket Modules Proposed for EAST and ITER466
Preliminary Safety Analysis for the Chinese ITER Dual Functional Lead-Lithium Test Blanket Module474
CAD-Based Monte Carlo Program for Integrated Simulation of Nuclear System SuperMC489
Preliminary Cost Assessment and Compare of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor506
Development of Reliability and Probabilistic Safety Assessment Program RiskA516
Code Development and Validation for Analyzing Liquid Metal MHD Flow in Rectangular Duct530
HENDL 2.1/CG数据库的临界基准测试与分析541
下篇 聚变核技术551
Development of High Intensity D-T Fusion Neutron Generator HINEG559
Design and Analyses of Rotating Tritium Target System for High Intensity D-T Fusion Neutron Generator566
Heat Transfer Experiment and Simulation of the Verification Facility for High Power Rotating Tritium Target System586
Design of Personnel Radiation Safety Interlock System for High Intensity D-T Fusion Neutron Generator594
基于GDT的14 MeV中子源初步设计研究603
Development Status of CLAM Steel for Fusion Application613
Recent Progress of R&D Activities on Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels625
Status and Strategy of Fusion Materials Development in China642
Progress in Development of China Low Activation Martensitic Steel for Fusion Application655
Study of Irradiation Effects in China Low Activation Martensitic Steel CLAM663
Preliminary Analysis of Irradiation Effects on CLAM after Low Dose Neutron Irradiation671
Swelling of CLAM Steel Irradiated by Electron/Helium to 17.5 dpa with 10 appm He/dpa677
Latest Progress on R&D of ITER DFLL-TBM in China682
Progress in Development of CLAM Steel and Fabrication of Small TBM in China690
Welding Techniques Development of CLAM Steel for Test Blanket Module699
Mechanical Properties and Microstructures of China Low Activation Martensitic Steel Compared with JLF-1707
Tensile Properties of CLAM Steel Irradiated up to 20.1 dpa in STIP-V715
R&D of DRAGON Series Lead-Lithium Loops for Material and Blanket Technology Testing738
Design Analysis of DRAGON-Ⅳ PbLi Loop746
Compatibility of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed Al2 O3 Coatings on CLAM with Liquid PbLi771
Corrosion Experiment in the First Liquid Metal PbLi Loop of China779
Progress in Compatibility Experiments on Lead-Lithium with Candidate Structural Materials for Fusion in China785
Experimental Studies of MHD Pressure Drop of PbLi Flow in Rectangular Pipes under Uniform Magnetic Field794
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