
- 许英梅主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:化学工业出版社
- ISBN:9787122031198
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:166页
- 文件大小:34MB
- 文件页数:175页
- 主题词:精细化工-化学实验-双语教学-教材
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1 精细化工分析检测实验1
Chapter 1.Fine Chemical Engineering Analytic Experiment1
1.1 油脂的分析检测(Analysis of Oils)1
1.1.1 油脂的酸价测定(Determination of Oils Acid Value)1
1.1.2 油脂的皂化价测定(Determination of Oils Saponification Value)1
1.1.3 油脂的酯价测定(Determination of Oils Ester Value)2
1.1.4 油脂的碘价测定(Determination of Oils Iodine Value)3
1.1.5 英文实验实例1 Acid Value Determination in Vegetable Oils by Indirect Titration in Aqueous-alcohol Media(水-乙醇介质中间接滴定法测定植物油中的酸价)6
1.2 表面活性剂的分析检测(Analysis of Surfactant)13
1.2.1 表面活性剂临界胶束浓度的测定(Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration of Surfactant)13
1.2.2 表面活性剂亲疏平衡值HLB值(Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance Value of Surfactant)15
1.2.3 表面活性剂类型的鉴别(Discrimination of Surfactant Type)16
1.2.4 英文实验实例2 Determination of hydrophile-lipophile balance of some polyethoxylated non-ionic surfactants by reversed-phase thin layer chromatography(通过反向薄膜色谱测定聚氧乙烯醚的亲油-亲水平衡值)18
1.3 精细化工产品的分析检测(Analysis of Fine Chemical Engineering Product)23
1.3.1 活性物含量的测定(Determination of Active Substance Content)23
1.3.2 香波的功效检测(Detection of Shampoo Efficacy)26
1.3.3 涂料的检测(Detection of Coating)27
1.3.4 黏合剂的分析检测(Detection of Adhesive)33
1.3.5 英文实验实例3 Instruction for Determination Condition of Paint System(油漆系统合格测定说明书)35
2 精细化工制备合成实验40
Chapter 2.Fine Chemical Engineering Synthesis and Preparation Experiment40
2.1 有机中间体的制备合成实验(Preparation of Organic Intermediate)40
2.1.1 2,6-二氯-4-硝基苯胺的制备(Preparation of 2,6-Dichloro-4-Nitroaniline)40
2.1.2 对氯苯甲醛的制备(Preparation of para-Chlorobenzaldehyde)41
2.1.3 对硝基甲苯邻磺酸的制备(Preparation of 5-Nitro-2-Methylbenzene Sulfonic Acid)42
2.1.4 英文实验实例4 Efficient Synthesis of Imidazoles from Aldehydes and 1,2-Diketones Using Microwave Irradiation(采用微波辐射法由乙醛和1,2-二酮合成咪唑)43
2.2 医药中间体的制备(Preparation of Pharmaceutical Intermediate)46
2.2.1 咪唑的制备(Preparation of Imidazole)46
2.2.2 扁桃酸的制备(Preparation of Amygdalinic Acid)46
2.2.3 英文实验实例5 Synthesis of Mandelic Acid and Derivatives(扁桃酸及其同系物的合成)47
2.3 表面活性剂的制备合成实验(Synthetical and Preparation Experiment of Surfactant)50
2.3.1 阴离子表面活性剂——十二烷基苯磺酸钠的制备(Preparation of Anion Surfactant-Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulfonate)50
2.3.2 非离子表面活性剂——脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚的合成(Preparation of Non-Ionic Surfactant-Fatty Alcohol-Polyoxyethylene Ether)51
2.3.3 阳离子表面活性剂——十二烷基二甲基苄基氯化铵的合成(Preparation of Cation Surfactant-Dodecyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride)52
2.3.4 英文实验实例6 Preparation of Benzoic Acid from the Grignard Reaction(由格林反应制备安息香酸)53
2.4 精细化工产品的制备合成实验(Synthesis of Fine Chemical Engineering Product)55
2.4.1 食品防腐剂——苯甲酸的制备合成实验(Synthesis of Food Preservative-Benzoic Acid)55
2.4.2 抗氧剂——双酚A的合成(Synthesis of Antioxidant-Bisphenol-A)56
2.4.3 增塑剂——邻苯二甲酸二丁酯的合成(Synthesis of Plasticizer-Dibutyl Phthalate)57
2.4.4 助燃剂——四溴双酚A的合成(Synthesis of Combustion Adjuvant——four bromine Bisphenol-A)58
2.4.5 荧光增白剂VBL的制备(Preparation of Fluorescent Bleacher VBL)59
2.4.6 环氧树脂漆——环氧酚醛清漆的制备(Preparation of Epoxy Paint——Epoxy Phenolic Resin Varnish)60
2.4.7 涂料的制备——聚丙烯酸酯乳胶涂料的配制(Preparation of Coating——Polyacrylate Latex Paint)61
2.4.8 食用橘子油香精的配制(Preparation of Edible Mandarine Oil Essence)62
2.4.9 食用樱桃香精的配制(Preparation of Edible Cherry Essence)63
2.4.10 液体鞋油的配制(Preparation of Liquid Shoe Polish)64
2.4.11 英文实验实例7 Novel enzyme-based detergents:An Indian Perspective(新颖酶基洗涤剂:一个印度人的看法)64
3 生物技术基础实验75
Chapter 3.Basic Experiment of Biotechnology75
3.1 微生物实验(Microbiology Experiment)75
3.1.1 光学显微镜的使用及微生物个体形态的观察(Use of Light Microscope and Morphological Observation on Microorganisms)75
3.1.2 微生物细胞数的计数(Cell Counting of Microorganism)77
3.1.3 微生物的染色(staining of microorganism)78
3.1.4 卫生细菌的检验(Microbiological Test for Sanitation)80
3.1.5 乳酸发酵实验(Experiment of Lactic Acid Fermentation)85
3.1.6 英文实验实例8 Cell counting and hemocytometer(细胞计数和血细胞计数器)87
3.2 生物化学与分子生物学实验(Experiment of Biochemistry and Molecule Biology)89
3.2.1 酶的特性实验(Experiment of Enzyme Characteristics)89
3.2.2 氨基酸的分离鉴定——纸层析法(Seperation and Determination of Amino Acid——Paper Chromatography)91
3.2.3 血清蛋白的醋酸纤维薄膜电泳(Electrophoresis of Serum Proteins on Acetyl Cellulose Filter)92
3.2.4 蛋白质相对分子质量的测定(SDS——聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法)(Relative Molecular Weight Determination of Protein-SDS Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis)93
3.2.5 核酸的定量测定(Determination of Nucleic Acid Content)96
3.2.6 真核细胞染色体DNA的提取及含量测定(Extraction and Content Determinaton of DNA from the eukaryotic cells)98
3.2.7 质粒DNA的提取(Plasmid DNA Extration)101
3.2.8 质粒DNA的酶切(Enzyme-cut of Plasmid DNA)103
3.2.9 琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测DNA(DNA Determination by Agarose Gel Electrophoresis)103
3.2.10 大肠杆菌感受态细胞制备及转化(Preparation and Transformation of Competent E.coli)105
3.2.11 目的基因片段的回收(Recycle of the Target Gene)106
3.2.12 基因转染实验(Gene Transfection Experiment)108
3.2.13 英文实验实例9 Experiment:Plasmid DNA Extraction from Bacteria(细菌质粒DNA提取)110
4 综合设计实验113
Chapter 4.Compositive Design Experiment113
4.1 餐具洗涤剂的制备与工艺流程设计(Preparation and Process Design of Dishwashing Detergent)113
4.2 香波的配方设计及正交试验法的应用(Formulating of Recipe Shampoo and Application of Orthogonal Experiment)113
4.3 黏合剂的制备与工艺流程设计(Preparation And Process Design of Adhesive)113
4.4 精细化工产品中卫生细菌的检验(Microbiological Test for Sanitation of Product Fine Chemical Engineering)114
4.5 英文实验实例10 Hair shampoos(洗发香波)114
附录一 高氯酸溶液的配制与标定130
附录二 胺值的测定131
附录三 手洗餐具用洗涤剂国家标准(GB 9985—2000)Detergents for hand diswashing133
附录四 洗手液 中华人民共和国轻工业行业标准(QB 2654—2004)Hand cleaner137
附录五 洗衣粉国家标准(GB/T 13171—2004)Laundry powders142
附录六 沐浴剂 中华人民共和国轻工行业标准(QB 1994—2004)Bath agents and shower agents147
附录七 精细化工产品配方介绍152
附录八 常用正交实验表158
附录九 教学用染色液的配制159
附录十 教学用培养基159
附录十一 显微镜的保养160
附录十二 大肠菌群检验表(MPN法)160
附录十三 精细化工专业实验主要双语词汇161
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