

  • 郑孝通编 著
  • 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:7302013284
  • 出版时间:1993
  • 标注页数:330页
  • 文件大小:12MB
  • 文件页数:336页
  • 主题词:英语


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1. Agriculture Must Be Market-oriented 农业必须以市场为导向1

2. China s First State-level Futures Market 中国首家国家级期货市场8

3. Sonowball Theory and Watermelon Theory Both Hit the Jackpot 滚雪球理论和种西瓜理论双获意外成功14

4. A Favourite Food in the Next Decade-Bean Curd 今后十年的食物宠儿--豆腐21

5. Real Estate Can Be Opened up 不动产(房地产)市场可以开放27

6. The Country s Commodity Market Has Almost Matured 中国的商品市场已趋成熟33

7. China s Attitude Vis-a-vis GATT 中国对关贸总协定的态度41

8. Environmental Protection and Environmental Awarenéss 环境保护及环境意识48

9. Hope Project Benefits Drop-outs 希望工程使退学儿童受益55

10. Wandering Through Asia s Largest Bazaar 漫步亚洲最大的集市65

11. What Do You Know about Bonded Zone and Free Trade Zone? 你知道保税区和自由贸易区的情况吗?72

12. Stock Market Balloons in China 中国股市越来越旺80

13. A Bumpkin or a Rural Entrepreneur? 一个乡巴佬还是一个乡镇企业家?87

14. Socialism Characteristic of Market Economy 表现出社会主义特色的市场经济96

15. China Will Have to Face a Fresh Challenge 中国还得面临一场新的挑战103

16. Opening up China s Markets with High Technology 用高科技开发中国市场110

17. Tertiary Industry Has a Long Way to Go 第三产业任重道远118

18. Why Would the Local Government Sell the Enterprise to a HongKong Capitalist? 为什么当地政府愿意把企业出卖给一个香港资本家?128

19. Bidding for the 2000 Summer Olympies 申办2000年夏季奥运会136

20. Survival of the Fittest Mart Law 适者生存的市场法则144

21. Talent Contention 人才争夺152

22. The Story of Ginkgoes 银杏招财记161

23. A Belt of Wealth-Yellow River Valley 一条黄金地带--黄河流域169

24. He Is Setting His Sights on the Nobel Prize in Medicine 他有志于获得诺贝尔医学奖177

25. Asia-the Most Dynamic Region in the World Economy 亚洲--世界经济最具活力的地区188

26. Ex-PM Has Vision of a Mighty China 新加坡前总理预言将出现一个强大的中国194

27. Mathematies Are Characterized by Low Input and High Output 数学的特点表现在投入低产出高203

28. China Gains the Spotlight in Diplomatic Arena 中国在外交舞台上成为引人注目的中心211

29. Nature Is Commanded by Obeying Her 服从自然才能支配自然218

(1) The World in a Grain of Rice 一粒米中有大千世界218

(2) Neem--a Tree with Magic Powers 尼姆--一种具有神奇力量的树219

30. “Independence of Taiwan”Will Lead to an Impasse “台湾独立”将走进死胡同224

31. The Shadow of Golden Triangle 金三角的阴影233

32. Our Own Civil Wars 我们自己的内战240

33. World Food Situation:Fragile 世界粮食形势:脆弱247

34. Carjacking Is Latest Violent Crime in US 劫持汽车--美国最新的暴力犯罪252

35. Striking the Moon with a Mattock--Economic Difficulties in East European Countries 用一把鹤嘴锄攀月亮--东欧国家的经济困境258

36. Marijuana Alert 大麻警觉录266

37. “Diplomacy of Human Rights”Is on Its last Legs “人权外交”日暮途穷273

38. Reconsidering Computer Literacy: Is It a Basic Skill? 计算机知识再探讨:它是一种基本技能吗?280

39. Stowaways Risk All for Shot at Better Life 偷渡者尸烂鹿特丹285

40. Signs of Ecological Disaster in Siberia 西伯利亚呈现生态灾难293

41. Uncooperative Patient--America s Sick Economy 不合作的病人--多病的美国经济301

42. Today and Tomorrow: China s Metropoli Duet 今天和明天:中国都市二重奏309

Today: Mobile Phones, Radio Pagers Popular in China 今天:移动式电话机,无线电传呼机在中国大受青睐309

Tomorrow: Riding on Supertrains by 2000 明天:到2000年乘坐超级火车311

