
- 张立玉编著 著
- 出版社: 武汉:武汉测绘科技大学出版社
- ISBN:7810305646
- 出版时间:1997
- 标注页数:412页
- 文件大小:8MB
- 文件页数:429页
- 主题词:
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第一部分 情景会话 Situational Conversations3
单元1 迎接外商 Meeting a Foreign Businessman3
1-1 机场接待 At the Airport3
1-2 在海关 At the Customs5
1-3 在旅馆途中 On the Way to the Hotel9
1-4 在旅馆 At the Hotel13
1-5 在货币兑换处 At the Currency Exchange Desk17
1-6 在餐厅 At the Dining Hall19
1-7 Passage:Customs Regulations23
2-1 安排参观 Arranging a Visit27
单元2 计划与安排 Plans and Ariangements27
2-2 宴请 Invitation to a Dinner31
2-3 参观样品间 A Visit to a Sample Room37
2-4 Passage:The Guangzhou Fair42
单元3 建立业务关系 Establishing Business Relations44
3-1 对外贸易政策 On Foreign Trade Policy44
3-2 与新客户洽谈 A Talk with a New Customer48
3-3 China's Foreign Trade51
单元4 询价与报价 Inquiry and Offer54
4-1 请报参考价 Please Give us a Reference Price54
4-2 这是实盘吗? Is This a Firm Offer?59
4-3 Passage:Offer62
5-1 你方报价偏高 Your Price Is on the High Side64
单元5 讨价还价 Price Haggling64
5-2 双方各让一半 Let's Meet Each Other Half Way69
5-3 Passage:Counter-Offer72
单元6 付款方式 Payment Terms75
6-1 我们只接受即期信用证 We Only Accept Sight L/C75
6-2 D/P怎么样? How About D/P at Sight?78
6-3 Passage:Remittance81
单元7 装船 Shipment84
7-1 我们将尽力提前装船 We'll Try Our Best to Advance the Shipment84
7-2 你们能早点交货吗? Could You Deliver the Goods Sooner?89
7-3 你的意思是空运这批药品? So What You Mean Is to Ship the Medicines by Air Freight90
7-4 Passage:Transportation94
单元8 合同 Contract97
8-1 签合同 Signing a Contract97
8-2 签长期协议 Signing a Long-Term Agreement102
8-3 Passage:Business Contract106
单元9 市场研究 Market Research111
9-1 假如我想开辟新市场我该怎么办? What Should I Do if I Want to Open up a New Market?111
9-2 你们提供市场研究业务吗? Do You Offer Market Research Services?113
9-3 厂商必须密切注视市场的趋势 Manufacturers Must Pay Close Attention to Market Trends115
9-4 Passage:Market Investigation117
单元10 旅游观光 Sight-Seeing121
10-1 观光 Sight-Seeing121
10-2 Passage:Places of Interests in China127
11-1 这一个我买下了 Good! I'll Take This one129
单元11 购物 Shopping129
11-2 今天我想去买点东西 I'd Like to Do Some Shopping Today131
11-3 Passage:Ceramics,the Pearl of Oriental Art135
单元12 告别与送行 Saying Farewell and Seeing Off138
12-1 向朋友告别 Saying Farewell to a Friend138
12-2 机场送别 Seeing Off a Friend At the Airport141
12-3 Passage:China's Four Treasures of the Study146
单元13 电话 Telephone149
13-1 国际电话的种类 The Usual Kinds149
13-2 如何打国际电话 How to Place a Telephone Call Overseas151
13-3 电话实例 Examples158
1-1 商业书信的写作知识 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writings169
第二部分 应用文 Practical Writings169
单元1 商业书信 Business Letters169
1-2 邀请信件 Letters of Invitation177
1 3 建立业务关系信件 Letters for Establishing Business Relations181
1-4 资信调查 Credit Information184
1-5 询价与报价 Inquiry and Quotation188
1-6 发盘与还盘 Offer and Counter-Offer194
1-7 接盘与定货 Acceptance and Order199
1-8 支付方式 Terms of Payment204
1-9 装运与保险 Transport and Insurance209
1-10 抱怨与索赔 Complaint and Claim213
1-11 协议与合同 Agrrements and Contracts218
1-12 谋职与推荐信 Application and Recommendation230
1-13 通知 Announcement236
1-14 其他信件 Other Letters240
单元2 电报 Telegrams247
2-1 电报的种类与计费方法 The Usual Sorts and Counting of Telegrams247
2-2 电报的格式 The Layout250
2-3 如何起草电报 How to Compose a Telegram251
2-4 电报实例 Examples in Telegrams254
单元3 电传与传真 Telex and Fax265
3-1 电传的种类与收费方法 The Kinds and Charges265
3-2 电传的格式 The layout266
3-3 电传的起草 Composing Telex Messages267
3-4 电传机上缩略语 Abbreviations Used by Switchboard Operator269
3-5 电传实例 Examples of Telex Messages271
3-6 传真 Fax278
第三部分 常用词汇 Useful Vocabulary283
单元1 商贸词汇 General Business and Trade Lexicon283
单元2 商贸缩略语 Abbreviations in Business and Trade338
单元3 电传缩略语 Abbreviations in Telex356
第四部分 相关知识 Related Information369
单元1 托收项下术语解释 Explanation on Collection Terminology369
单元2 信用证的基本术语 Basic Terminology of L/C378
单元3 商业票据 Some Commercial Documents386
单元4 世界最大的商业银行 Some Big World Commercial Banks406
单元5 国际经贸组织 International Economic and Trade Organizations410
参考书目 Bibliography412
- 2029337.html
- 2873817.html
- 1542097.html
- 1082016.html
- 3105763.html
- 2912331.html
- 1943691.html
- 2018779.html
- 434172.html
- 795719.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2498491.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2172776.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1881390.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1662766.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_479375.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_1652945.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2378438.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_3146963.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2415478.html
- http://www.ickdjs.cc/book_2940755.html